Saturday, July 11, 2009

hmmm... what do you think?

well, I've been playing a little bit here. Thank you to those of you who left me tips and emailed me! not sure this is really what I originally wanted to do, but this is what i came up with for now. Is it too dark? does any one have any really cute ideas? You know me, I'm all about cute or vintagey. thats what I was thinking of , cute vintagey beachy.. I couldnt find what I had in mind.
OH DEAR!! Guess what happened? my poor little Figgy wiggles got stung by a bee.. its reallllly swelling up. I suppose I should call the vet or something.
gotta run.. let me know your ideas!


  1. Yeah you did it! (I can hear you think: who is that woman who is sitting behind the computer forever? hehehe). It's good for now isn't it? If you'll see another background that you love more, just change.
    One critical note: Now you should adjust the colors of your blog; I think the purple letters of the comments isn't the most beautiful color to suit the blue. But of course tastes differ! Have a great weekend!

  2. I like the vintage beach pictures!! Have a funtasic weekend..m.

  3. i think it looks cute Viv...i see what LiLi had to say...and i know that colors can look different depending on your my eye, the purple looks good, because it matches with the stitching on the ribbon you have on the side of the post...

  4. Your Blog looks wonderful! Well done!

    Have a lovely Sunday!

  5. Oh, gloriaski! As USUAL, I am answering several of your posts at once because I'm running behind with EVERYTHING! First & MOST importantly, I cannot TELL you how glad I am that your dad's surgery went well! WOOOOOOHOOOO! That's just the BEST news, Viv! Send him HUGS from me, okay? Really! Second, I love the new look of your blog! It SCREAMS, "THIS IS VIVIAN'S BLOG!" Now, you lil' bathing beauty you - how was the beach day? I think ANY day to myself would be AMAZING, even if I never left my craft room! Ahhhhh! The sheer LUXURY of it! I hope you had a WONDERFUL DAY! Finally, it sounds like your 6 back-to-back off days are going to be FULL. (And for the record, tho' I'm sure you aren't happy with yourself for going off on that kid, AND you KNOW it was stress-related, that MAY have been EXACTLY what he needed! Sometimes social workers, teachers, etc. who DO work with kiddos, try so hard to be understanding that we let the lil' stinkers push us! Be funny if that dressing down you gave him straightened him OUT, huh? Either way, I'm SURE it didn't hurt him, so DON'T YOU LET IT GET TO YOU!)

  6. oh my gosh I hope that bee sting didn't become something more awful!
    I like the colours here :)
    I'd possibly suggest maybe changing your lettering on the banner to white with a shadow? Perhaps it might be easier to see? Still lovely though!

  7. Hi Viv!

    Just wanted to let you know that you won my birthday giveaway! Please email me your addy, and I will get out your package this week! Enjoy! :)

  8. I had to double check to make sure I was at the correct home! Like the layout and design but (secretly I missed the pink) There I said it.

  9. Thanx Vivian.

    Get yourself some Nelson Bach RESCUE REMEDY ! Give to Figgy immediately- in water, food, or my preference, spray on hands and pet by the sting- not on. Can be used w/anything else- even babies can take it. (I'm going to even try it on our birch tree which suddenly looks very bad).

    Vet probably has it, but Vitamin Shop or Health store should have it for less. Vet should know about it, as I am not a medical person- but I've been into homeopathy for about 19-20 years now.

    Good luck on the borders thing- I'd like to figure out how to do it with my own papers/artwork. Hope there is a way to plug in info:)!

    Off to take Lara to the chiro. and to job search.


  10. Love the new header!!

    Hey - how was the beech trip???

  11. I love what you did with your lovely blog. I think it is wonderful. Did you do it yourself? YOu should be one proud lady. Have a lovely week. xxoo Valarie

  12. Viv, Your posts just tickle me to no end. You are either on a whim or out on a whim! I love your beachy banner tremendously! It's so you! By the way, I have bought my "heads" at both Michael's and JoAnne's. They come 4 to a package. Hope you can find them! E

  13. wow your blog is soo cute!! love the blue color!!! aww I hope your baby is okay! bad bees! big hugs


  14. OH MY ! You are the Bear Fairy... you go girl !!! you have been busy. still keeping your Dad in my thoughts. Glad you went to the beach... great pics. Love ya, Mica
