Sunday, October 18, 2009

ahh! country walking!

Going for a walk!
Started out , down the road at my girlfriends house..
silly girl hates to have her picture taken.
Turn around Beckie!!
Her two daughters Rebecca and Miranda,
two of my most favorite people ever..
graced us with their delightful presence!

They are children of the corn~!

They are rock climbers..

And master Jumpers..
(is there really such a thing?)

We found an amish or menenite house
hidden way back in the woods!
Its quite a house!

We were surrounded by woods and corn fields!

And there were some interesting paths..
though they were posted!
Im dying to see whats back there !
wonder who owns that property?
mountain climbing on the side of the road!
"woohoo.. hello up there Randie!"

OH.. and Rebecca too..
and yes.. I did climb up too..
it really wasnt that high..
but makes for a good picture!
At the end of the road.. 2 and a half miles of dirt road..
Wonderful place to walk..
as long as its not gun hunting season for deer!
After you walk the 2 & 1/2 miles up..
you have to walk 2 & 1/2 miles back!
We were a little pooped..
but it felt so good and was a beautiful
perfect fall day for a walk!
We werent sure of the actual distance so when we got back,
I drove it to see.. yup 2 and a half miles one way.
and since I was right there..
I stopped to visit an old friend..
my lake!
isnt she beautiful!
hope you also had a great afternoon!


  1. Wow, such sweet girls and such a lovely place! You are lucky to live where you do!

  2. Vivian, That blue - I had never seen blue water until I saw the Great Lakes. How lucky you live so close by. Thanks for following - I just want October over! What a month! Have a great week! E

  3. Vivian,
    Do you ever make bears out of old fur coats?

  4. Well Viv, it looks like you had quite a beautiful Fall day. It snowed like a banchi here yesterday, so there were no Fall walks for me. Good thing I decided to cut all of my plants back on Saturday when the sun was shining!

    xo Cath

  5. WHOO WEE !! VIVVY !! + love the pics of you and friends and the beautiful pictures --
    The Halloween swap pics awesome -- SO many great things -- Uh ELVES HUH -- hmm not tried that before , but can't wait -- kathy - ga

  6. Just popping in to say Hello! Looks like you guys had a great looks beautiful :)

  7. Viv girl, *you* are beautiful! Seriously, you get prettier every year... now, just how do you manage that?
