Tuesday, January 12, 2010

oh LAZY bones!

no pictures tonight! Im just making a quick stop in. I wanted to let you know that according to weight watchers I have now lost 33.6 pounds total. and according to work (were playing the biggest loser again) I ve lost 35 pounds. I think I'm going to go with weight watchers, i think they are the "professionals". And so what did little miss piggy have for dinner tonight? 2 large heavy pieces of pizza and 3 chicken wings dipped in blu cheese. I figure that was about 35 points! seriously! But thats ok.. I still had about 14 left for today and I hadnt touched any of the extra 35 I get for the week. Now tomorrow starts a new week. Tuesdays are my day to have a little extra. I didnt get to stay for the weight watchers meeting after weighing in, nor did I get to go to the gym. I had to work and had to go find a place in the dark.. I ended up having to call our local sheriffs dispatch and they told me where i was going, because I couldnt see any house numbers and it was out in the country! anyways, generally I dont talk about work at all here, as I just dont think its a good idea.. believe me if I did, I could tell some stories. but due to confidentiality, I dont. But I do have to tell you about tonight! I get to this house and the lady lets me in, then I see one of her daughters holding something.. and I squealed.. OH MY GOD! and I scared the poor lady.. she thought something was wrong. Nothing was wrong though.. her daughter was holding a 9 week old pug puppy! OMG.. I could barely contain myself or do my job! the little girl put him in my lap.. and I melted! I guess seeing that sweet little puppy made up for having to work tonight.. someday, I just have to have one! I was dying to go get my camera to take his picture.. but that just wouldnt have been right now would it!?
Frannie is still pregnant.. I'm twiddling my thumbs waiting!
I have a confession to make! I have gotten very lazy this week.. Im hoping that its just because I havent felt good, but I've let things pile up here! I still have not put laundry away, the bathroom needs to be cleaned, vacuuming needs to be done. And, Christmas really needs to be put away. I just dont feel like doing any of it though. I really am ready for Christmas to be put away, but its such a big job.. Oh well, I have a three day weekend this weekend and I wont be on call anymore come friday.. and of course I'm on a spending freeze, so shopping shouldnt get in the way. I should be able to stay home and do what I need to do! And ofcourse I have projects to work on !
OK.. probably boring you here! going to bed now.. nightie night!


  1. Congrats on your weight loss, Viv! It's not a good sign when you skip the meeting and then go out and overeat, but you know that. It's no big deal- it won't kill you or sabotage your goals. Just remember that tomorrow is a new day and you can get back "on the wagon". Some times we just need to satisfy the food itch!
    Love you....

  2. Cangratulations...way to go! keep it up!
    Enjoy your 3 days off.

  3. I am so proud of you, Viv. Your perseverance has really paid off. Wow! I hope you get a little puppy for a reward! I have listed the WW points on my last recipe and I will try to do so on future ones. Hope it is helpful!

    Stay With It!


  4. Congratulations! And I think the puppy definately made up for the entire weekend of work don't you? Especially since he's a pug, they're the cutest!

  5. Vivian, I love your life! You are so everyone's girl. Days are what they are and still you smile as you head to bed. I have been getting so much crafting done because my spending is in a deeeeep freeeeze as well! Can't wait for your on-call to be over! You'll get your giddy-up going when Christmas is put away. The sparseness suddenly of the house makes you want to fill it up again! Take care, E

  6. Way to go Viv~you are doing terrific!
    Winter is hard...it's that hibernation thing. You can't beat cuddling with little puppies.
    Have a great rest of the week.

  7. SWeet VIV -- hmm yes life happens --
    after all the fun - way too tired here from the holidays -- plodding along --doing what needs -still organizing, finishing swap stuff --not a lot of umph !! but
    like Scarlet said -Tomorrow is another day !! But 33 or 35 --
    YAHOO !! wonderful - Kathy - ga ♥

  8. WOW!!!! You are really doing great!!! I know you loved seeing that piuuy. I pray for you to feel better soon....m..

  9. Viv,
    Awesome job on your melting lbs.
    Hope you are feeling better...I got the hubs to help me over the weekend to get all the Christmas put away, dragged tree to the curb for mulching. Funny how the house feels so big when it is decluttered.

  10. Um.... don't worry about not putting Christmas away! Just leave it up and say that you're early for next year :) Lauren and Ray begged me not to take down the tree yet, so its still up. and it's a real one!!! Congrats on your weight loss!

  11. Vivian, Back again! I can barely contain myself. Please link on Nan of Retired Alaska on my sidebar. If you have not already visited, prepare to have your socks knocked off. Such a generous and sweet person, and what an amazing life she has. Can't wait for you to see! E

  12. congratulations on your weight loss and on your decadant dinner! you deserve it!

  13. WOW! Great job Viv...and you made it through the holidays which are the hardest times to lose or maintain. You should feel very good about that! Once in a while you can stray a little as long as you start again. I love the gnome and mushroom you made for Elizabeth! Too cute! This gnome party is fun. Good luck with your Christmas stuff...a lot of my things are down but not put away yet either and my tree is still up and lighted-I hate it when that goes! Take care of yourself and get rest! Joyce

  14. congrats on your continued weight loss Viv...you are doing great!!!

    i just took my Christmas decorations down on Monday...it took the entire day to do that, and get my usual things back in their place...i miss my tree...i really do...Mr Madison was much less inclined to climb in it this year...so i was able to enjoy it so much more...

    when are those babies coming???

  15. You make me laugh because I can relate to you and your lack of ambition and eating too much pizza and loving Simon. Loving that dog and knowing the world was gonna be all right when you held him. If you would like to become a Queen in Training come sign up with me...I'm having my very first grab-bag-give-away. I'm having a blast putting the goodies together! Tah Dah moment to come on Jan 31st. Night night back.

  16. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now. Keep it up!
    And according to this article, I totally agree with your opinion, but only this time! :)
