Friday, January 1, 2010


I wish I had something profound.. or profitic,
or intensely deep to say about the old year and this new year..
but I dont!
All I can say is last year was a blast..
and I know that this new year will be too...
because.. I'll make sure it is!
I dont do new years resolutions.. because I generally dont keep them.
I'm not usually a very committed person (other then to my husband and family!)
but this year, I am going to make a couple :
1) I will lose another 40 pounds by mid June!
2) I will stop blowing money on every little whim that I get...
(now this one might be a little hard to stick too.. I think its easier to lose weight!!)
3) Enjoy each day in some way. (this shouldnt be hard.. because I think I already do it!)
4) finish that quilt I started!
thats all.. I dont think I need anymore.. do you?
And I also want to say Thank you for another great blogland year. I have met the most awesome creative and kind people out here in the last few years. You all have contributed so much to my crazy world! I dont know what keeps you all coming here.. But Im SO GLAD YOU DO!!
OK.. So lets kick off the new year.. with something healthy!
this is one of the things i made last night to take to a party.
they are little fruit pizzas. very very good! and only 1 weight watchers point each!
Heres the recipe!
8 oz fat free cream cheesen
1/2 container of fat free or lite cool whip
3 tbsps powdered sugar
beat with mixer

spread over 24 halfed LOW FAT grahm crackers

(though theres enough mix to make twice as much probably, if you only do 24, you'll have a good amount of filling left over.)

Then just add pieces of fruit of your choice. I used halfed strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and mandarin oranges. I forgot to get the kiwi or that would have been on them too. anyways.. the best part about it, it that they are really only about 1 point a piece! you can eat a bunch of them ir you wanted to!

Ok, so I'm off to clean my house.. then to return a gift, then maybe to the book store and probably the grocery store for a couple things ! Then I'll be home working on some projects!



  1. I wish you and the one you love all the best for 2010.
    Hugs Marja

  2. Happy New Year ! Looking forward to sharing thoughts and laughs with you in 2010!
    LiBBy BuTTons*

  3. Wishing you all the Blessings of a wonderful year !!! How special you have been to me this year !!
    your love of people -, laughter , kindness and creativity --are all obvious in your blog and have enriched my life this year -
    Blessings - Kathy - ga ♥

  4. ~Happy New Year Vivian !~
    ~We had a quiet one~
    ~Great find on your last post.~
    2010 is going to be wonderful !~

  5. WHY, you ask, DO WE ALL RETURN TO READ YOUR BLOG? Because, you cutie, you are the epitome of FUN and overflowing JOY! You are nothing LESS than your true self which is THE best thing to be and we all love you for it! HAPPY NEW YEAR,VIV! BIG, BIG 2010 HUGS!

  6. First of all, it's awesome that you've been losing weight! You will DO this and make it!

    I sooo love your bubble and sparkle.

  7. I hope this year will be an awesome one for you! I just love that new years bear! I hope I can catch up to you and also lose enough weight 'til we meet in June! I plan to spend less on supplies as well this year too.


  8. Happy New Year Viv! Make it a fun year (~~) Julie

  9. Hye cutie,
    Happy new year!!
    toast to 2010!!

  10. Happy New Year Viv! Love your blog background colors, so cheerful. To answer your question, yes, Abner the Mouse is still available. He's so stinkin cute!

  11. Now that's the kind of pizza I like! Way to start the New Year, Viv!

    Stay Cozy too, Carrie

  12. Honestly Viv,

    All I could do was stare at the pictures of the food! Seriously, you're killing me here.

    xo Cath

  13. I love your attitude, you are so right! This year will be a great one if we make it that way!

  14. Happy new Year to you and your family!
    Love the picture with the pink bear.
    And the felted snow man in the former post is cute too.


  15. Happy New Year sweet Viv! I pray you have a wonderful year ahead. Blessings! And tell that man of yours to get his booty to the table and eat dinner with you. Love ya!Mica

  16. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Everyone comes back to your blog because it's like visiting your sister...and's easier to visit you than to have to clean the house..hee hee...

  17. I am so going to try these pizzias. i am so glad to have met you through this world of blogging. I wish you a great 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...m.

  18. Oh Viv! I love this post~ I love the music~ I love the photos and the recipe and the fact that you have baby cats (aka kittens) on the way!!! Will you pleeeeeease mail me the runt? I have always wanted a Siamese !
    Luv 'n' Hugs and the best to you and yours in 2010!
    LiBBy BuTTons*`
    ( I know this is my second comment on this post but I had allot to say)

  19. Happy New Year, Vivian! Such happy colors on your blog! I hope your holidays were the best!


  20. wishing you all the best for 2010 Viv!!! i have had such a good time visiting with you, and i look forward to seeing what you do this year too...i don't do resolutions either...same reason as you...

  21. Hi Vivian!! I got your comment from my blog and I can't believe you live so close!! Have you ever been to the antique and thrift stores in North Tonawanda? I think you would love them! Also, I saw on your blog you just got your daughter a chinchilla for Christmas! I also have a chinchilla!! :) Mine is a grey one named Binki and he lives in my craft room :) If you are ever in need of another one, let me know- I could get you one for free :) It's been great meeting you and I know this swap is going to be so much fun! Maybe if you're in the Buffalo area sometime we could do lunch :)

  22. Happy New year!!! Love the new blog look! :)

  23. Hi Viv *waves! Happy 2010 to you as well!
    I absolutely LOVE that bear! What kind of fabric is that? As that's what I'm looking for- it's kinda stretchy right?
    Sounds like you have it made - as far as your goals!
    (ps- it's ok to buy things on a whim *winks*)
    Hugs & Faerie Dust!

  24. HAppy New Year! These look soooo yummy, right now!
