Wednesday, July 14, 2010

summer time summer time.. sum sum summer time!

Have i told you lately I love summer? yay, I think I did. I try to take a vacation day everyweek all summer long so that I have long weekends. Which allows me one day a week at the beach! We went this past weekend on sunday and it looks like sunday will be the lucky day again this coming weekend. I always pack up a cooler of ice tea and diet pepsi, popcorn and some sort of lunch, this last weekend we had subs from subway. I take a stack of magazines, some sunscreen and I'm good to go! Sometimes I take a project to work on too.

Then I park myself in front of the lake and just veg out for the day. We usually spend a good 5 hours or more there. I wish I had a beach house, but then it would be so hard to go to work everyday and its already hard enough!

I park myself here...

And enjoy this!
and yes, I spend a good portion of my time swimming in the lake. My daughters love it as much as I do, they're are my beach buddies.
Did you notice the pinkeeps in the first picture? Those are what I made for my giveaways. They will be going out in the mail to Meri and Nancy soon as I get my butt to the post office!
OK.. I'm off to work on a little bear.. then I need to get serious about a bunch of bear orders ! I just realized that I never took pics of the last bears I made.. duh!! I'll try to remember these.
have a sweet night blogland pals!


  1. You've been listening to Nat's blog music too much, lol. I love the beach too. We try to go every weekend (we can ride our bikes there! This weekend I'll be on a train going 5 hours north. I'd better start packing my projects!

  2. could you please make up your mind about what day we're going to the beach? originally you said sunday, then the other day you told torry saturday and now you're saying sunday again. just decide! thanks <3

  3. Oh how delightful -- you are so blessed to live near a beach --Blessings - KAthy - ga ♥

  4. What a happy post!!! I looooove Summer too. I'm so glad you're able to take one day a week off. You use it well. :-D
    I watched the whole video clip below of the kittens...ADORABLE!
    It's almost the weekend...have another good one!

  5. Those pinkeeps are so stinkin' cute! xo, suzy

  6. Super cute and enjoy the beach!
    Hugs, Lisa

  7. Hi Viv! I am giggling at your "cup holder" and plastic bag on your beach chair handles. You are prepared for the long haul! Too cute for words! Oh, By the way... we haven't had music on your blog in a while. I think we need some summer time music! Have a great weekend! E

  8. I wish I were there!!!!!

    This AZ heat is beginning to be unbearable ;-)

  9. Those pin keeps are totally the little flamingoes. Wonder if the lucky ladies get a flamingo, too...

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Oh Viv, I LOVE the pinkeeps!

    I love the beach too...that where my heart and soul is :)


  12. I'm SO not a beach person but I AM a VIV person! LOL! And I love that YOU love the beach 'cause I enjoy knowing you are having fun! Let me sneak in the fact that I watched your video of the lil' furball babies at LEAST 10 times! I LOVE them! Love YOU, too!

  13. Viv!!!
    Love the beach pics. I feel like I spent some time there with you :)

    I love summer too. Not so much the heat of it all, but the pace. I enjoy having all the kids home and just "being" together. We haven't gotten to the beach yet this season. It's quite a project with the 4 little ones, but we always have a good time.

    Hey... LOVE the pin cushions! My baby grandaughter seems to have a "thing" for flamingos! Evertime Sarah takes her to the zoo, the only animal she goes bonkers for are the flamingos. Needless to say, gramma has purchased every stuffed flamingo I can find... LOL!

    Enjoy your time at the beach today.

