Wednesday, October 13, 2010


baby  torry ultra sound

Medical technology never ceases to amaze me. Todays ultrasounds are much different then the ones I had for my kids. This is a picture of my little grandbuddy and he wont even be born for another 8 weeks or so. I'm really getting excited now. Isnt he freaken adorable! HE looks like his momma and his poppa!
Computer technology amazes me too.. Just the fact that my daughter can send me a picture on my phone, and i can email it to myself, then I can upload it onto my blog and then essentially anyone in the whole world can see it. and it can all happen in just a few seconds.
And even more amazing then the technology's themselves is the genius minds behind it all. I cant even begin to imagine being that intelligent!

I caught a minute of something on tv the other night about how they make bluejeans and the freaken gigantic robotic machines that do alot of the work, were crazy amazing! All I could think was, I can imagine coming up with the idea, but to know how to make something like that and them get it to work are beyond me.

I'm praying that my new grandbuddy will be that smart!!

OMG guys.. I'm gonna be a grammie pie!

she hates this picture

(She HATES this picture, but I LOVE it! I think its hysterical!)
Can you see how the baby looks like both of them?Dont forget to leave a comment on the post below so you'll be entered in my 50th birthday 500th post giveaway!
see yas later!


  1. Wow! I have never seen an ultrasound that was that detailed. You must be so excited! Congratulations Viv! ~ Kim

  2. Most amazing is how fast the technology changes and becomes the norm.My youngest is 5 and those 3D ultrasounds were so rare then!You are going to have so much fun.

  3. VIV yes techno stuff is amazing
    we got to see our new grandson on their ultrasound vid -- he was sucking his thumb -- was amazing -- You sweetie is so cute --I adore mine -- can't get enough baby kisses - KAthy - ga ♥

  4. Congrats, VIV! How exciting that you're gonna be a grammie! It is the best (and most exhausting) thing you'll ever do!

    I am daily boggled by technology and the reality that my "friends" through blogdom are all over the world...Australia, Canada, New Zealand...and the U.S. Arizona, California, New Jersey...Ohio. It IS an amazing world we live in ... and will be even more so for that grandbaby of yours!

  5. Your grandbuddy is so precious. Being a grammie is the bestest job in the world and if you think of fun things to do now....just wait until you have an adoring audience to delight with your talent and is life altering. Remeber when the baby is born so is a grandma and we are pretty awesome in the scheme of things.
    pssssst. I love you as the witch in your header....too wonderful. Dont' forget to come to our Halloween story Thurs. Fri. and then the Party on Sat. It has been more fun than a barrel of grandbabies. The Olde Bagg

  6. Beautiful, congratulations again every step is so exciting. Your daughter looks beautiful! oxox, Diane

  7. It is like grandbuddy is here, with that real looking picture !!! He is so cute !!! I know you can't wait!

  8. Amazing ultrasound photo. My ultrasounds looked like I was going to deliver some dark alien swamp creature. At one point in the ultrasound, I thought I recognized something, and I excitedly said, "I see a head." The nurse said, "It's his butt." Okay, then!

  9. and you are going to be a wonderful grammy...he does look so is amazing, When I was pregnant with my daughter I had the opportunity to be a pregnant tester for a huge ultrasound company who was working on this technology. I had the chance to see and take pics of my little girl for free...and they PAID ME $80.oo a pop just so they can test their was neat and fun. Congrats again on the new babe coiming soon...can't wait to see pics when he is out! Hugs,Mica

  10. Wow! My grandson is only 5 and that is so much more detailed! You will love being a grammie!

  11. Wow! That is a VERY clear picture! And yes, he does look like both of them...he's a doll!

  12. Congratulations Viv!!!I think the baby looks more like mom!!!My grandie looked EXACTLY like her dad in the ultrasound and sure enough she looked exactly like him when she was born!!!!

  13. Amazing isn't it? So sweet....and so exciting for you!! :) Thanks for the visit. Have a great day. :)

  14. My goodness.... He really does look like them!

    I'm so excited for you, and I can't wait for the pictures after his arrival!!!


  15. Oh, my gosh. I am just blown away! I having seen an ultrasound for ages and the technology has grown at lightening speed. I see what you mean about baby looking like both mom and dad. Just so precious! I am so looking forward to this stage in my life. Just wish my daughter would hurry up and get married!!!!!

  16. Technology is wonderful. How sweet your grandbuddy looks. I know you are excited for the day he is born. I love the picture of your daughter. Hugs, Fran

  17. that's crazy that they can do that!! they didn't have that when I was pregnant...and that wasn't too long ago! you must be so excited! xo nat

  18. That is going to be one ahhhhdorable baby! Isn't it amazing how they can get pics ofthe baby in utero? Keep us posted!
