Friday, November 12, 2010

its beginging to look alot like.......

I dont really have much in the line of thanksgiving decorations,
but I guess I wouldnt want to have too much more then I have.
I have so much halloween and christmas and its so much work to get it all out and up, that thanksgiving is like a little transition between the too. and its only really out for about 3 weeks. from about a week after halloween til the day after thanksgiving!
I dont know what possesses us to collect and display all this stuff like we do... I have friends who dont decorate for any holiday other then christmas.. Im decorating all year long!
Lets see.. from about the second week in janurary til valentines day, christmas gets put away and then its all snowmen (the ones that arent too christmasy.) Then I have a bin full of valentine stuff that comes out and mingles with the snowmen. In march Easter comes out! (I have the cutest darn easter stuff!! I get excited just thinking about it!)
So Easter stays out as long as possible, then we do must spring things, nests and birds eggs, topiarys.. etc.. at the end of June summer comes out in all its patriotic and beach day glory! I usually keep all of that out til fall, when Halloween comes out! Early sept. Theres so much cute cute stuff that It needs to come out early so I can enjoy it for a couple months!
Then like I said before, a week after halloween we transition to thanksgiving and then to christmas! Its so overwhelming to get all those christmas bins out!! A lot of work, I love opening every single bin and box for every holiday or season decorating change! Theres always so much cute stuff that I'm happy to see!
I do have some cute thanksgiving pieces too. but its one of my "weaker" holidays.
My family thinks Im nuts! I probably am, but at least I have fun and enjoy myself! and you know what? They would miss it if I didnt get everything out!
So whats on everyones agenda this weekend?
I have major bear orders to work on and some swappy things as well.
In fact, I m feeling pulled in about 20 directions right now!
Also I'll be going to my daughter Bethanys apartment tomorrow to help her clean up and set up for her VERY soon to come baby! ONly about three weeks to go and I'll be a
Im still sick about deleting my blog list... At some point here I have to try to start adding blogs back there. the problem is that I'm so forgetful and when somethings out of my sight its out of my mind!! (except for food.. thats always on my mind whether I see any or not!!)
so be sure to leave me comments so I can at some point this week add you all to my sidebar!
Okeedokie.. off I go, I have to go work on something..
some tags I think, then in the morning I will start cutting out all the next bears!
sweet dreams!


  1. Viv, I love all your Thanksgiving Decorations ! I don't have that many Thanksgiving things to put out. I am working on that this weekend! Stitching some Thanksgiving cross stitch and trying to put together some pillows that are fall looking. Wish me luck !

  2. Viv, your decoratins are amazing!!! I love what you do for Thanksgiving! You sound like me girl...always changing redecorating for the season. Have fun this weekend.....I have a craft fair to go to!

    BTW, I got your email about the shaker:)
    Once I get organized (hahahaha) I will send one off for you :)

  3. looking fabulous as is your blog

  4. I love you, Viv! And we are JUST alike about decorating (tho' I definitely don't have as many darling goodies as you except for Christmasy ones!) When it feels as tho' it's 'too much' to deal with all the carting & unloading & setting up stuff, I remember how happy it makes me to pull all my 'old friends' out of those boxes! So I 'GET' you 100%! And LOVE you 1,000%!

  5. Well girl since I don't have the mojo to decorate -- YA just gotta - where lese would I get to see the cutest things evah !! for each season -- OH the baby is getting close -- You are gonna be head over heels -- like me -- I miss him every minute I am not with him -- changing so so fast --
    HUGS -- have a great weekend -- KAthy - ga ♥

  6. I just love your mania about holidays cuz I has the same one. My fam also thinks, actually knows, that I am a crazed holiday-aholic. I think you missed a couple of chances in you list by the way....St Patty's day tree, and then in the slow down of summer....perhaps that sunflower tree? Just saying, email me we'll discuss it....tee hee.
    I don't know why you are not just off the wall bouncin' with only three weeks til baby time. But maybe you are and you're containing it. Grandmothering is the best job I have ever, or will ever have. I say job because I take it seriously. Fulltime, parttime, occasionally, whatever one you are blessed's the best. I'm just glad I have mine close for squeezes, cuz when they were away, I almost lost my Mojo. I'm so excited for you. With your sweet spirit this baby is one lucky little sucker.
    The Olde Bagg

  7. Vivian, if you don't think you have much in the way of Thanksgiving decorations then we need to do an intervention, quickly! Holy turkey! Every surface is as cute as can be! Blog roll delete! Been there, done that! I'm still trying to recover. By the way for such a laugh, click on Stone Fence Cottage on my side bar to see fabric that is for sale at JoAnne's. I could not believe my eyes! Too funny! Have a great weekend Vivian! Eliz

  8. Oh man, I wish you'd just come to my house and get it all decorated for Thanksgiving. I just can't get my butt in gear. But love all your Thanksgiving goodies! Have fun at your daughters. Nothing like a new grandbaby to make the world a brighter spot! XO Nancy

  9. You have not lost Jacqueline...come back to (Once Upon a Fairyland) and all will be well.

    It's so refreshing to see your Thanksgiving decorations. It seems like the holiday never gets the attention it deserves but it is simple and loving and maybe that is the beauty in itself.

    I know, I have friends that don't decorate either. My bestest friend no longer even decorates for xmas...yikes...I couldn't do it! I have to have my toys and little joy bringers. Plus, the gnomes would not let me get away with it!

    Night to the land of nod.
    ~the girl with the curl~

  10. I used to decorate for everything! I had a long shelf in the family room that was my main staging area. Of course, I loved Christmas, but one of my favorites other than that was back to school. I had the cutest little slates, paintboxes, pencils, and such.


  11. Love all your decorating! Some times I dread the work...but then when I change the seasonal and open the boxes, it's like visiting old friends.

    Being a "grammie" is so much fun!

    Happy Day!

  12. Love your decorations. I am such a slacker. I put a Fall wreath on the front door and call it quits. I don't mind the decorating, I just HATE to put everything away, so each year the decorations dwindle more. Hey, I'll just enjoy yours.
