Friday, November 19, 2010

stuff, stuff and a swap

Lets start here..
last night an old friend and two of her daughters came over to learn how to needle felt! Diane and I have known each other for at least 22 or more years.. I know this because she reminded me that she used to hold Robert in the nursery at church when he was a baby! Our girls Lousia and Bethany used to spend a lot of time together and Diane and I have always had a very mutual admiration for each other. I think she is a wonderful person and she thinks the same of me! As the girls grew up and went their separate ways, we also sort of lost touch with each other . But one day, I discovered that Diane had a blog! and now we have gotten "reacquainted " (not sure thats the word I really want to use.. but it works). Dianes blog is Tomato soup Cake. You should stop by to visit her. She is always up to something interesting! So, last night her other daughter AMelia, wanted to learn to needlefelt so they came over to play with needles and roving. I didnt remember to take pictures until they were about out the door, but I did get this one pic! I have to say that Amelia is a girl after my own heart.. LOVEs Kittens as much as I do and Loves tiny things! And LOVEs to create ! It was fun to "play" with them for a while, though I've been thinking all day long about Milen missing dance class and how that went for them on the way home! anyways, do be sure to stop by and visit Diane!
In other news... LOOK AT THIS FREAKEN MOST AWESOME PINECONE FELTED TURKEY !!!!!!!!!! My swappy girl Kelly (from flickr, kelbug) made for me. I am just freaken tickled by him. I carried him in my purse today , because I wanted to be able to take him out and look at him, which I did at least a dozen times. You saw the one I made for her in my last post. Kelly and I have been swapping holidays together for about a year now, and neither of us have had enough yet! She also came up to meet me at my aunts cottage this fall to spend the weekend creating halloweenies (you might remember.) anyways.. thankyou again dear Kelly.. I LOVE mr. turkey!
so much good stuff came in the mail this week! I also received my package of apron tags from Elizabeths swap. talk about a talented bunch of ladies.. I have to say that these pictures I took suck.. these tags are soo amazing and you cant begin to tell just how much in these pictures. Pop over to Elizabeths at creative breathing to see 100% better pictures. thanks to all the ladies who participated.. If I wasnt so dog tired Id post all their names and links to their blogs.. but I just cant do it tonight. but I do have to say that I love everyone of their little apron pockets. Elizabeth is such an inspiration to so many girls... each little apron pocket also comes with a recipe card with something yummy shared on it!
and.. Elizabeth is one of the sweetest dearest girls I know in blogland.. she is generous and oh so kind hearted! She made each of us a little heart. I Adore mine! thank you E!!!! I've got quite a little collection of Elizabeth creations! TREASURES they are!
OK .. lastly.. I havent hosted an open swap in a while, but have recently been asked to host one again. So I got to thinking and have decided to do a christmas teacup swap! I will post all the details tomorrow. I think it'll be a fun swap. I made this button for people to post on their blogs. So check in tomorrow and I will have posted all about it!

Till then.. Ive got to get off the computer.. I'm REALLY tired and I'm thinking about popping in a movie and lying on the couch! (no ones home, or I really wouldnt be doing that!)
she yas later!
nightie night!


  1. Your new turkey is adorable! So are the apron pockets. I've been admiring them on Elizabeth's blog as she's been posting them...too cute!!!

  2. Viv, I just love you and all our great blog posts! You always make me smile ( most times howl with laughter)! Your felted turkey gift and little heart are so sweet and special. I appreciate that you stop your busy life to post even thought you'd rather be in your P.J.'s laying in bed creating something! Have a wonderful weekend.
    XO Nancy

  3. Yay! Viv, we had sooo much fun. Amelia and I definitely have caught the needle felting bug. Actually went scouting around to find materials the very next day. Amelia really enjoyed spending time with you- the two of you are alike in so many ways!
    love you lots missie♥

  4. Oh... and re the dance class...

    We got into the car and Amelia turned to me and said, "Oh Mom, did you forget that there's no dance class tonight?"
    And I was like, "Oh YEAH! That's right, it's ummmm... ahh... only a week until Thanksgiving, so Miss Amy had to cancel class. So she could... errr... get her turkey ready."
    Millen was doubtful.
    But then Amelia suggested we go get milkshakes at the drive-thru, which sparked Millen's interest in a big way.
    Afterwards she said, "I go next time?" and we assured her she would definitely go to her dance class next time.

    So yeah... I basically lied to my innocent trusting child and then bribed her with crappy junk food. And yes, I am deeply ashamed.

  5. That Turkey is the cutest thing ever. We are making pincone turkeys at church tomorrow!!!...m...
