Friday, December 31, 2010

what to do in the new year?


I had hoped to post something thought provoking today to ring in the new year. You know, maybe to seriously consider some
new years resolutions.
But I hate making those things!
I do have to admit that there are some things I've been thinking about that I want to work on this year.
I want to (and need to) continue on my little weight loss journey. I had lost 55 pounds but over the last two months or so,
I gained back about 15 pounds!
not to worry though, Im not disappointed in myself,
I kind of gave myself permission to eat whatever i wanted over the holidays. I think I had gained about 7 or so at the point that I gave myself that permission..
anyways.. I did, and I gained..
and today is my last day for pigging out.
I am very much looking forward to getting back on track, eating healthy, getting some exercise and losing 35 pounds.
My goal is for the end of June.
I know I can do it. Just gotta put my mind to it!
Losing weight isnt where I think I might struggle this year. The other thing I want to get under control is my spending. I have a habit (bad habit) of buying what ever I feel like buying
when ever I feel like doing so.
I really need to stop that!
so I want to tighten up the old purse strings a bit and start saving some money to put towards home improvements that need to be done,
or they will never happen!!
I also want to get back to church once in awhile! I used to go faithfully once or twice a week when the kids were little. Now I hate to admit I havent been in a few years, to my own church anyways. I have been to a few churches to visit.. but really that doesnt count.
Anyways.. those are the three areas that I want to work on.
One other thing I want to do is get my etsy shop up and running..
so thats what I'm thinking about for 2011.
What about you? are you going to make any changes this year? and what are you doing tonight?
( I might be baby sitting for a certain sweet little torry pie !)
for now.. Im going to work on a little new years project!
oh.. and.. guess what figgy got for new years eve??
mirror image
aww lol
poor little figgy!


  1. It sounds like you have been giving this things to get done list a bit of thought. And it also sounds as though you will be able to do all. Good for you. The spending was something I had to curb a few years ago and I have to admit that it wasn't easy but I did (for the most part). I do have relapses when it comes to the grands and now you have that little bundle of joy to spoil and love. You are a fortunate one.

    I hope your New Year is blessed with all you wish for. The Olde Bagg, Linda

  2. Hey Doll
    "Happy New Year!"
    Have a Fab 2011!

  3. Viv, I believe you can do anything you put your mind to! The spending ... I WISH I could spend $$ indescriminantly, but I can't. So I can actually HELP you with that resolution/goal. Here's the trick to curbing the spending ... drumroll, please ... have a long term illness and no insurance so that 90% of your income goes to doctors. LOL! Seriously, I could use a bit of self control in the bookstores! One of these days my bookshelves are going to implode under all the book-weight! And how did your kitty like the New Year's gift? BWAHAHAHAHA! I'm guessing not too much, huh? Oh! It just HIT me. No more darling lil' kitties to come drool over. Waaaaah! But you did a good thing! And YOU are a 'good thing! HAPPY NEW YEAR, Viv! LOVE YOU!!!!

  4. Hi Viv,
    Happy New Year!!!
    I am going to eat better and spend less too!!! I could go to church every Sunday instead of a couple of times each month. I do go to the ladies Bible study and enjoy that!
    Staying home tonight and relaxing!
    Poor kitty :( I know when Sweet Pea was fixed, she didn't feel herself for a couple of days and then BAM...back to mayhem!!!
    deb :)

    I look forward to your etsy shop. you make awesome treasures!!!

  5. Oh now i understand the pics on flickr.. Figgy got fixed!! Just wanted to stop by and wish you a most wonderful healthy Happy New Year!!

  6. Happy New Year Dear girlfriend~ Cheers to a Very Happy 2011 Hugs, Diane

  7. I just love the picture of you taking a picture of the cats. You have the most beautiful smile.

    I wouldn't go to bed without wishing you all good things for the start of this New Year! I'm trying to stay positive (actually, I feel positive) for this new change of year. I should probably stay away for any news channels for awhile. Ha-ha.

    Anyway, I hope that 2011 brings you all the peace, joy and happiness that you desire.
    Thank you for being a wonderful friend. You are appreciate so much more than you know.
    OOO's and XXX's...Tracy :)

  8. Dear - VIVVY , another year begun -- and sharing with friends -- a true joy --wishin you and your family to be blessed this new yearWe both added to our families sweet baby boys ( ohh i am excited for my new one to come soon also ) -- you truly are special to my ♥ - good things on your list to work on -- sounds like my kind of list -- trying to slow down enough to think about it -- HUgz - and Blessings - KAthy - ga ♥

  9. Hey Viv, you can do it. I am eating more fresh foods, and using a pressure cooker to cook veggies more quickly so they are flavorful and retain more nutrients. "Eat clean" avoid processed foods, and when you cook make little packages to take to work with you so you aren't tempted by vending machines and fast foods! You can do it, and congratulations on your weight loss, this is a huge accomplishment!

  10. Happy New Year Sweet Girl! I hope this year brings you much love, happiness, creativity and good health my dear!


  11. Happy New Year! Wishing you a year of all beautiful things.

  12. She will be enjoying her own body:)

    Quiet parties are the best kind- well, actually they are not that quiet with all that giggling and laughter.

    Happy New Year Grandma!

    PS- What were you doing in my dream a few nights ago? You just happened to be around somewhere in my dream and gave me a hug, after I asked you something.haha

  13. Wow really did lose weight! Ya look fantastic! Figgy is fixed...awe no more lil sweeties from Siam? ...but a good decision ...from someone who owns 6 cats. ugh
    Blessings for your new year!
    Darly Darlie Doo

  14. Happy New Year Vivian! Your resolutions are my resolutions! My TSG actually told her new boyfriend that I am her inspiration for being thin and healthy. She doesn't want to end up like her mother! LOL! Now that's motivation! Poor little Figgy! Look how caring her mate is. What sweet cats. Etsy in the New Year, Absolutely! Always, E

  15. Oh happy new year to my bubbley friend!
    Oh,me oh my...I have many resolutions. January is my favorite month of all! I have crowned this year my year of peace and passion with a good dose of enchantment. I plan to get cuter, get skinny and get dancing. Last year I grew out my curls and put a bow in my hair...who knows what's next but yesterday I bought skinny jeans with swirls on the pockets!
    You go girl, I'm coming along with ya!

  16. Aw, what a great present with the new babykins! :) I know my mom/in-laws love being around the kiddos.

    That's a tough present for Figgy but needed! lol

    My new years resolution? Not to worry so much and to finish what I start, project wise, before starting a new one. Sounds boring, but I need to do that. :)

  17. I like your attitude! Wishing you a New Year filled with joy and grace and lots of fun adventures!
