Wednesday, March 16, 2011

♫♫he rocks in the tree top all day long♪♫

robin 3
♪♫happy little robin just a singing his song♪♫
robin 5 x
♫♫rock'n robin.. tweet tweet tweet♫♪robin 6 x
OK.. you do know thats a micheal jackson song and that Im not just bonkers! right?
robin 7 x
NO time to sit and chat.. just wanted to show you my robin friend. She turned out just like I had pictured in my head.. well sort of anyways.
A friend told me that she is a he because of his red breast and that he may be a transvestite because of his easter bonnet...
Oh dear .. I dont care.. hes still cute and springy!
I have 6 pieces done and ready for Etsy. Hopefully I'll work on that tonight.
and HOpefully I'll have enough time to do some blog hoping!
for now...
I have 25 minutes to shower, eat breakfast and pack a lunch!
o happy day blogville!


  1. Haha! Of course you're not bonkers, Viv--you're wonderful!

    LOVE your sweet robin...boy or's absolutely adorable!

    Hope your day is fabulous, my friend!


  2. SWEET VIV , oh how funny !! but your Robin (HE _SHE _ is adorable )
    LOve the lil vid Of sweet Tori !!!! HUgs to ya HAppy Spring !! KAthy - ga ♥

  3. Your robin rocks!

  4. O.M.G.! You are not only SUPER talented (I mean, who ELSE can create a really adorable transvestite birdy? LOL!) but you CRACK ME UP! I just LOVE you!

  5. ADORABLE....however that song is now stuck in my head. Have a fabulous day. xxoo Valarie

  6. How CUTE! Just in time for Easter too.

    And I don't care what Julie says, you are too bonkers!

  7. She/he is DARLING!!!
    How do I get to your etsy???

  8. Hey Viv, I'm hoping your sweetly sleeping in bed by now. But as for me, I'm heading there with that song stuck in my head! UGGGHHH!!! I still remember the birthday that I ask and received that 45.

    I love your he/she Robin, you're just trying to stay pc aren't you? It really is precious! I wanted to that you again for letting me steal your idea for your St. Patty's banner. I just set up my post to go on about 9am tomorrow.

    Hugs...Tracy :)

  9. ha ha ha - you're going to have me singing that song all day long! It was actually first recorded in the late 1950's. That little robin is adorable - and definitely rocks!
