Thursday, June 9, 2011

busy busy busy

morning blogland! Im in a hurry, but just wanted to pop in to say hey! Ive been busy getting things done for Jens Bridal Shower for sat am. and in between, I needed to finish up this bear order. I think as far as the shower goes, Im all set. I'm didnt make all the coffee filter flowers that I wanted to make, but we'll be fine with out them.
I have to go to the grocery store tonight to get all the food, then tomorrow night after work I'll make the salads and stuff! (plus I'll be watching my torry pie!)
It'll all come together.. but i feel discombobulated! lol! (actually I always feel that way!)
speaking of Torry pie...

He was 6 months old yesterday. Bethany takes these pictures of him every month with this silly dog. but Torry seems to like it! isnt he the cutest little freaken thing ever????????!!!!!!!!

I love him to pieces.. but you all know that dont ya!?

have a great day!


  1. He is adorable, and he does seem to like the dog! Good luck with all your preparations.

  2. He is adorable. Love grandbabies. Glad the shower is coming together.
    Now, enjoy.

  3. What a super idea to take the pix with the same dog or other item each month! Wish I'd thought of that when mine were babies! Torrie's such a cutie!
    Just know the shower will be fine and a wonderful time for all! Your favors turned out so cute! Enjoy - and take lots of pictures for us :)

  4. Whoo hoo you can do are woman..hear you holler!!!

    He is one adorable...want to pick him up and nibble on him..little one!!!!You know what I mean!!!

    I love the idea of the pictures and the dog...I will tell my Lori that one.

    t wait to see the pictures of the will be just put to much pressure on yourself. I am surprised you could spell dis..combogulated...????I never

    Hugs and squeezes...Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  5. He's so adorable!...and getting SO big!
    Have fun at the shower...your favors are too cute!

  6. Happy 6 months to your sweetie pie!

  7. lovely bears! and wow, 6 months, he is such a little sweetie!

  8. LOVE your bears! You must have THE happiest customers, Viv! As for Torry - NOOOOOOO! Tell him Aunty Kai says to stop that growing up nonsense! He's so precious little & I just hate that babies get big too fast! Sigh ... but he'll always be precious ... he just probably won't let people pinch those cute cheeks once he grows up! LOL!

  9. You are one busy busy lady. Adorable picture. I love the idea of posing him with the same object each month. Imagine the day that he's bigger than his stuffed animal! Good luck with all preparations. May your party be a smashing SUCCESS!

  10. What a handsome little man:)

  11. Torry is ADORABLE. He looks so cute with his big doggie. His eyes twinkle.
    I know the shower will be FANTASTIC.
    Hugs, Fran

  12. Well, what do you know? I am out the door to a baby shower to...It's been a long time since I've had a little baby in my life. No grands for me yet but I'll adopt this cutie Eliza Melinda!!!

  13. I am afraid that baby boy is just not loved enough ;-)
