Thursday, September 22, 2011

frannie pants and figgy pie

frannie had surgery yesterday

I know we all think our children and pets are extrordinary, and we are often biased.. but really... figgy and frannie are! after her surgery yesterday he so gently just layed near her watching her every move.

figgy LOVES frannie!

He seriously loves her!

fig and fran

And this morning... HE brought her a Present!!! her favorite toy... a pipecleaner!

frannie and her gift from figgy.

she even batted at it a couple times before lying on it.

I'm telling you, they are extra special!

When Frannie was not well the other night, she was under my blankets and I swear she thought she was having a kittens, not that she was in pain, she may have been, but the digging and nesting, and PURRING! and cleaning herself.. I know thats what she thought was going on. And figgy thought so too, He didnt leave her side and just watched and waited for a kitten to come! lol.. no kittens kids! i was flabbergasted! she was having like a false pregnancy. poor girl!


shes doing ok today. she doesnt want me to give her her meds, but oh well, we must do what we must do!

And with that, I must get my arse off this very uncomfortable chair and get ready to go to work!

have the loveliest of days my dears!



  1. I don't know what I love better...Frannie and Figgy posts or Torrie-Pie posts!!

    I love my fur babies too so I know how you feel about yours.

    I hope your day at work will be a good one and you have all kinds of good JuJu today!! Just think....the weekend is almost here! YAY!


  2. Oh no, you said that she wasn't feeling well. What was the surgery for, hope not for a pipe cleaner. How cute her friend brought her one. My doggies are like that. Well the Springer is with Izzy(The Yorkie). He is so kind and licks her. I knew she was really sick when he licked her head all over. She can be nasty to him BUT she lays in front of his kennel while we are gone. He is in the kennel because he likes to eat pillows. There is always a warm spot in front of his door.
    I would like to say, I hope your week got better but I don't think that happened.
    Mine took a nasty turn on Monday as well. I am trying to keep my head's Thursday so that helps.
    ((((((HUGS)))))) So sorry. Hope Frannie gets better.

  3. I just adore your kitty posts. We love our sweet penny, so I know how you feel about your precious babies. Have a lovely day at work, my friend.

  4. Awww...they are so cute!!!! I am so sorry she had to have surgery...but maybe now she will feel better.

    Hope things are going some better for you.

    How's the dirty sock

    Hugs and squeezes Cindy from Rick=Rack and Gingham

  5. Hope she feels better soon. Hey - I wonder if cats need bio identical hormones too... snicker snicker..

  6. Oh, sweet lil' Figgy!!! I almost CRIED when I read that he took Frannie a present! What a good partner he is! FEEL BETTER, FRANNIE!

  7. Awww...that is just the sweetest thing ever!
