Tuesday, December 20, 2011

still playing reindeer games!

BRenda.. do not go any farther..
or you will ruin your christmas surprise for this morning!

seems i'm always in a hurry here lately! and everywhere else besides! eiy yie yie!
all the hustle and bustle.. which I love for the most part. just wish I didnt have to go to work.. It takes up so much time that I could be playing! like REALLY!!!
Still have lots to do, but its all good, things are getting checked off my list bit by bit! Thats how it happens right? I have a little thing I say to myself and to anyone who will listen to me all the time; Just do what ya gotta do and try to enjoy doing it!! so I do! but honestly, theres lots of things I dont enjoy doing.. but I do enjoy.. or maybe I should say appreciate the fact that I am able to do those things (like physically able) even if I dont want to do them...
so anyways, I made this for a special friend of mine. I hope she likes it. It really turned out super cute. Was almost thinking of keeping it. but I have so much stuff already! I suppose I could make myself one if I miss it when its gone. lol!
I still have lots of reindeer to make.. well, we'll see if they all get done... may not!
I need to get off of here and get ready for work.. as usual, i've left myself about 25 minutes to do a lot of stuff!!! We have court today and I'm getting a new kid... so I cant be late!!
gotta run.. I hope everyones having a wonderful pre holiday week!
i gots two ear'fections gammie!
Torry says "gammie pie, I has two ear'fections... give me huggles and kisses!"
wish I could stay home and babysit!!! I hate working!!!!!!!! lol!
I'll be back later!


  1. Your friend is going to love your latest creation, Vivian. It's adorable. Hang in there with work. Christmas hugs!

  2. Torry is such a doll! Love the elf and reindeer. Super cute!

  3. Brenda's gonna love it!! Tell her I said Merry Christmas Pansy Kitten!
    Poor baby..ear infections stink! Scarlet's is finally gone thank God. I just noticed a minute ago that Sandy made your cupcake tutorial and I just made them last night! thanks for the info! It was fun, although I need to perfect my frosting skills!
    Enjoy the week. xo

  4. Vivian that grand-peep of yours is just the cutest little snuggle pie! I sure love what you create with felt, I have never tried working with that but this year I just might have to give it a try! Happy Holidays

  5. how cute is that little elf face!!
    you will get everything done...I am sure...:O)

  6. Have a fun day at work or as fun as you can make it! Hope Torrie feels better soon!

  7. This is so amazingly cute as is your cutie pie grand baby! xox Corrine

  8. Everything is too darn cute! Poor Torry baby. I remember those double infections. Girl you are so Mrs Holiday! Merry Christmas! Hugs, Terri

  9. Those little reindeer are just too cute!

    Poor Torry baby. :(

