Tuesday, July 17, 2012

an evening with the kittens!

fig and fran 1
"we is play'n outside on r  weashes!"
fig and fran 2
"dont be 'fraid figgy, itz jus a weaf!"
"hey wook at me figgy... I iz stand'n up wike r momma!"
fran 2
"gonna get those weafs shes swing'n at me!"
"hey fwannie... wook I is on my back foots too!  now share those weafs wif me too pwease!"


  1. So cute!! Do they mind being on the leash? We have an indoor cat and have thought about taking her out on a leash.

    XX chris

  2. Sooooooo cute! SWEET kitties! Have a blessed day, HUGS!

  3. Oh!!! I see YOU speak fluent Kitty, too! So does my housemate! LOL! You KNOW I love me some kitty-people, and Frannie & Figgy are HIGH on my 'LOVE' list! Give 'em kisses from Aunty Kai! I'm OFF TO WORK nowwwwwwwww!

  4. You know it is pure enjoyment we have with our animals. I have three of them under my feet and one on the table with me right now. Your kittens are simply beautiful. Smiles...Renee

  5. I had to use my translator from "I Can Haz Cheezburger" but I think I got the gist of the conversation. Lolcats rule! =D

  6. You are too funny.
    Love the pics from the shower. Looks like fun.
    On being embarrased, Years ago, I came out of the church after my friends wedding, everyone waiting for the bride and groom to come out, and the wind blew my skirt up like Marilyn Monroe! I know how you feel.
    Have a happy day!

  7. Aww, Viv it's so good to see you posting! I hadn't checked your blog for awhile, thinking your were taking a break for awhile. I loved reading about the shower and your trip to the lake with your Mom & Aunts and laughed imagining you track down that bug! Have a wonderful weekend, xoxo Nan

  8. Hello Sweet little kitties!
    I wish I could visit you and pet your soft and fluffy coats. You are such precious pals for your mommy cat, Viv!
    Give some kitty kisses to sweet Viv for me!
    Carolynn >^^<

  9. LOL Love Figgy and Frannie. I LOVE LOVE LOVE CATS.
    ((())) & <3

  10. I guess the <3 doesn't change to a heart on blogs like it does in emails and facebook. :-)
    Luv & Hugs

  11. Cuteness Overload!

