Sunday, November 18, 2012


ornies 1
yesterday morning while listening to shotguns going off nearby..while sweet little deers were being killed by eager hunters... I was finishing up my whitmans candy box ornies for elizabeths swap.    Way to many shots going off.. I hate hearing it.  I hate knowing that some sweet little deer was just waking up and starting his day getting some breakfast and then bang bang!.. its over.  I must have heard about 20 shots..   I hope they all missed!
ornies 2
I know.. I know.. I know.. all the reasonable reasons there are for hunting.. and its all fine and good for those who do it.. I just dont like how people can be so happy about taking the life of any animal.  I sort of feel bad if I kill a spider even... one minute they are just enjoying their life on the web and then... smoosh!  its all over!  lol.. I' know im being silly girlies..   believe me, I've killed a lot of bugs!  anyways..
ornies 3
so while the hunters were out killing deer, I was putting red noses on these little guys and glueing them into little boxes!  
And figgy and frannie were enjoying some warm sunny spots on the front porch!
figsteralien cat
franniefrannie sunspot
the rest of the day was not quite so productive.. Today.. a little shopping this morning and then bears for the rest of the day!   well, unless that christmas tree keeps calling to me!  lol
Happy Sunday Girls!


  1. Viv your boxes are so cute!!I am hoping to spend my day crafting!!

    Happy Sunday!!

  2. CUTE creations:) Enjoy your day my friend! Lots of gunshots around here too! HUGS!

  3. Your boxes are absolutely adorable. I love the theme. Our woods were filled with the sound of shotguns too. I'm glad our treehouse is near our house so that Josie doesn't wander too far into the woods right now. Makes me nervous. Enjoy your Sunday. Craft away, dear friend!!

  4. Your boxes are adorable! And, I feel exactly the way you do about hunting.

  5. Happy Sunday Pod 3! *giggle*

    I love your new creations! So stinkin' cute!!!

    Have a wonderful Sunday!

  6. Those boxes are SOOOO cute. I love them. I feel the same way you do about hunting. I also could almost cry when I see some poor little fawn that has been hit by a car and just laying by the side of the road. So sad to me. As for spiders- I have that momentary "guilt" reflex, too. I see crazy has good company- xo Diana

  7. Makes me want to buy & EAT a whole BOX of Whitman's. (Not happening - I'm allergic to chocolate and besides, my big booty can't afford even ONE candy. Sigh.) LOVE those boxes! And I did it, Vivvy-pie. All my Christmas is up. Couldn't control myself. LOL! It looks HAPPY around here! Eager to see your bears when you can show them! And wish I could sit & cuddle the sweet kitties! LOVE YOU!

  8. I love these boxes! The little deers are so cute. I just feel the need to make me some Christmas stuff, but I have to work today:( Have a great day working on your bears.

  9. These are cute. I know... I also have mixed feelings about deer hunting. We have a local program that feeds the homeless with deer meat during the hunting season. We live in an area that can really get overrun with deer. It's better for hunters to kill them here, than to have so many that folks kill them with their vehicles or to have a controlled hunt by government officials strictly to thin the herds. We have had to do that also. We always have a family of deer in our back yard and this year we have triplets. I would hate to think of them being targeted, but I've seen what can happen to a person who accidentally walks up on one. Not pretty.

  10. Love your boxes. They are FANTASTIC!

  11. Love these! Where did you find all those cute deer???? Mine are all different, it happens that way, I don't plan it! Mine are done also.....:) Can't wait to see everybody's!

  12. Hey!!! Love your ornaments!! Ur kitty's are so pretty!!! Big hugs
    Stay warm!!
    Toddles- Sarah

  13. I would have had to crank up the tv to drown out the gun fire *sigh*

    Lovely little boxes of sweetness! Well done :-)

  14. bless can never be right to kill anything, full person needs meat to live...your cats are gorgeous as are your creations xxx

  15. Oh my gosh Vivian! Your boxes! That shade of green, the deer, the poms. I don't care when they arrive, it will be worth every minute I wait! Have a great Thanksgiving! E

  16. Beautiful. I love the deer and went straight to the nose...smiles..Renee

  17. Love all the Rudolf's red noses. They are sweet!
    Chris =]

  18. Those boxes are so cute! Where did you find those sweet little deer?
    I know exactly what you mean about hunting. I can't even stand to think about it...
    Ooooh! Can't wait to see your Christmas decorations. :)

  19. I thought I left you a comment! Hmm maybe on Facebook? lol I love your whitman swap! So cute. Poor deer tis the Hunting season. I can not wait to see all your pretty Christmas decorations. Grace xoox

  20. poor wee deers...That is so sad they are being killed. I love your boxes...where can I get a hold of one????? Wanna swap something???hee hee.that would be fun unless they are already called for.Let me know I can come up with something for you. Hugs XOXO Mica

    P.S No job in Canada.. :(

  21. I'd be creeped out so bad if I could hear gun shots like that! Ugh. I don't care what other people do, but in the back of my mind are my mom's words "if you can gut a beautiful deer, you can gut a human!" haha! You can tell there are no hunters in our family! Love your ornaments though. Hope you have a great week Viv! xo nat

  22. My sweet Viv you are I are alike when it comes to killing wild animals. I just hate it and won't listen to any of these Alaskan's brag on their kills, I tell them not to talk about it around me!
    Well your boxes there are darling and I do love the sweet little deers. You have a great holiday my friend. Nan

  23. These are adorable!!! I would hate hearing shots fired at my deer, too!!!! We have lots of deer and fortunately they can't be hunted where we live!!!
