Tuesday, January 15, 2013

monkey business...

(isnt he cute?  I made him years ago inspired from a picture in a Mary Englebriet  calender!   theres another monkey below from a couple years ago.. and Ive been thinking about making
another monkey someday soon...  well see!)
Brrrrr!!!  my feet are cold!  Ive been sitting at my computer for over an hour, with cold feet.. duh!  why dont I just go find my slippers?    as little torry would say.. "I don know!"  actually he would flip up his precious little brown hands and say, "I don know, where'd dey go?"    well, I know where my slippers are, im just lazy and obviously not cold enough to give me the motivation to go get them!!  Hmmm.. speaking of Torry .. and Marlaina, you all need new pictures of my little pies dont you!?  I'll have to take some new pics of them this week.  they are of course cuter then ever!
And, speaking of cute, I finally put my shelves behind my couch back together.  Ive never left them blank for so long before.  it was 3 or 4 days.  but I was sick, so thats a good excuse right?  but the truth of the matter is I just have so much stuff, I didnt know exactly which things to put back! 
I still havent made my new years mini bear.. I havent made a miniature bear or animal since last jan when I made the blue bunny above.   I think...  well, I still have the itch to do so.. so something will be coming up soon.....  I have a couple swap pieces to do first.  (I feel like I say that way to much).  theres always something else to do first!  but thats ok.. I love making swappy things!  As long as I'm making something I'm happy!
I finished my little ornies for a valentine ornie swap I'm in with 9 other girls.  they are cute!  They are more like hanging valentines.. I hope the girls will like them.   cant show you yet.  Now I just have to do my two things for Elizabeth and a couple little surprises for a couple other peeps.
And my piece for my forever swap pal, Kelly.  fun fun!
OK.. so for now, I suppose my feet are really getting pretty cold.. as one is threatening to cramp up!  I have been sitting here shoeless on this cold floor for an hour and a half!!  time to move on!
So have a happy day Everyone!
(is it friday yet????) 


  1. LOL- Nope not Friday yet! Did you get ANY sleep, girl? Your monkey is just precious along with every other thing you do. You are really talented, Viv! An artist really- Blessings-xo Diana

  2. Ok so that's what I've been waiting to see....your shelf in the living room!! Looks great!! Now go get your slippers girl!!


  3. And you wonder why you are sick, Vivian? : ) Get those slippers on, lady! I am always walking around in my moccasin slippers when I'm in the house. Love all your little bears! You must let me know if you ever make a couple of extra. I'd love to buy one.

  4. You inspire me and trust me... I needed some inspiration to get with it:) Have a blessed day dear Viv, HUGS!

  5. Your shelf looks great. I always look forward to seeing how it's decorated each holiday. Your monkey is absolutely PRECIOUS! Josie and I need to look through our Chinese New Year decorations and then I'm going to pull out Valentines too. Have a great Tuesday!

  6. Viv,

    You are sooooo talented!! Your shelves are amazing and that monkey is way too cute. Those creations are so tiny to work with. It takes such patience. I always enjoy your creations. Looking forward to seeing your hearts! Have a good rest of the week.


  7. Your shelf is so cute with all those sweet animals. I love that blue bunny! For some reason I'm thinking of Easter, probably because I want spring!

  8. My feeties are cold, too! I've been editing since 2 A.M. & this old house (it's EXACTLY my age - 62) is drafty and not well insultated. My feet & hands freeeeeeze in here. It's FUN, FUNNER, FUNNEST (MY words - LOL!)seeing all your teeny critter-people! I have said this 100 or more time: I could spend an entire DAY just looking at all the awesome things you have out in your house! LOVE YOU, VIVVY. Now go get your shoes on, girly!

  9. Viv, you have waaaaay too many cute things!! Oh my goodness, your shelves are just FILLED with cuteness! Your monkey is adorable as is your blue bunny!!! Such a great collection! Sometime I would like to see pix of all of the stuff you've made - we'll be drooling for weeks!!!

  10. Your monkey is too adorable, as are all those other cuties you have displayed so sweetly in your shelf!! Love it!! Have a great day! xo Heather

  11. I am in love with those little bears on that shelf. Oh my.

  12. Wait! Before I comment, I have to go and read why you are so weird! E Be back.

  13. Okay, I'm back, and yes you are weird! But so am I! But at least you are an Out of the Craft Room Weirdo. I still keep it a secret! I invited TSG's MIL into my craft room and she said nothing! No wait, she said, "That's a nice plant!"
    But anyhoo.... Vivian! You just don't get the scope of your amazing talent until you do show us it all grouped together. That blue bunny, the monkey, the bears. One day, I have to see this all in person! You absolutely make my day with your humor, your talent, and your tremendous heart. E

  14. I needed cheering up - and this IS the right place! I just love that big monkey - and my mouth dropped when you said you made it. ADORABLE! I have the little toy monkey from M.E. and it's so so so cute - but a BIG MONKEY! He is sooo cute! No wonder you have so much fun - you have lots of fun friends to play with!

  15. Oh, my goodness - that monkey is adorable! All your little sweeties are wonderful. So very impressive...

  16. Love all your fabulous creations, Viv! Look at those shelves filled with your little sweeties--love it!

    Now go put some slippers on, my friend!


  17. I'm with ya girl...I gotta have my cute but I'm trying to be more simple. Perhaps oneday...someday...anyday now...over the rainbow of cute...is it boring? Likely!

    You need those old lady knitted slippers, not that you are old tee hee...but they work like a charm!

    Do you mind if I copy a couple of these photo's Viv and feature you on my blog. It seems like you may know everyone out there but even if there is ONE that has not been to your happy blog, she should have the chance!

    The monkey is my favorite, I love ME and wish we could get her magazine back!
    Wishing upon a star!

    Love to you!
    (the seniors at work have the flu 16 of them and my boss is out so there I am in the office all day today. She told me I could write letters and read however! Yeah!!!)

  18. Cute decorations :-)
    I'm glad to hear your feeling better :-)
