Thursday, February 21, 2013

5 pounds

todays breakfast
Did I tell you that I'm back on weight watchers?  probably not.. I just started again last week.  and.. Ta dah!  I lost 5 pounds already.  I do love the weight watchers program.  It really works for me when I follow it correctly.  fruit and veggies are free foods.. so I can keep myself full on them and use my points for other healthy foods.    I  honestly think I already feel better!    
you know my son is getting married in october.. Im not being fat at his wedding!  Im not being fat this summer..  so bare with me.. you'll probably be seeing lots of food posts coming.  lol. 
todays lunch
these two pics are my breakfast and my lunch for today. (notice my valentine decorations are still up! heehee!)   I also have a banana and a small bag of air popped popcorn too.  That is one of the things I love about weight watchers.. you can eat a lot if you eat the right things.    there 6 points in my breakfast and there are 6 in my lunch... that leaves quite a bit for dinner.   probably chicken fajetas.   
as for valentine decorations.. Im thinking this weekend I might pack them away and pull out the easter ones..  or.. maybe I might wait just one more week... who knows..  it'll happen when ever the mood strikes me.
have a great day girlie pies!


  1. WW works for me too! I need to see what the WW360 is all about:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  2. Congratulations!! 5 pounds already is amazing. I'm anxious to see your darling Easter treasures again. I already have quite the Easter stash out in my craft room (including the sweet things you made me the last two years). I'm thinking my dollhouse needs an Easter/spring makeover. Even if it's winter outside, it can spring inside my house!

  3. Good for you, Vivian! I just started this week getting back to eating healthy {i.e. eating the right snacks when I do have snacks and having more salad}. I can't really do any of the diet plans because I have Celiac and have to eat gluten free. I think doing substitutions for what I can actually eat might affect it, so I'm giving it a go on my own. Definitely keep us updated on how you are doing!

  4. Congrats already! I am trying to lose 50 lbs, but have never tried WW. Maybe it's time, since I'm not doing too well:)

  5. Good for you!! I have just started WW again this week. I am not very happy with myself right now....loving all the sweets has caught up with me. WW is the best way to go! I look forward to more posts about food ideas and choices!


  6. Good for you- My son took off a lot of weight several years ago using the WW points system and has kept it off. It is a good program but one I don't seem to do very well on. I will see your skinny self in summer shorts! xo Diana

  7. YAYYYYY FOR MY VIVVY! I HAD to sneak a peek at a couple of blogs while I wait for MaryBear to arrive. Yours was OF COURSE the first on my list! I'm so proud of you & I know you can do it! You're already such a beautiful woman (and an all-around beautiful human being) & knowing you'll be healthier really makes me glad! LOOOOVE YOU!

  8. That is wonderful that you are on weight watchers. Congratulations Grace xoox

  9. I'm so happy for you that you're off to a great start with WW. It really helps to motivate you when you see results right away. I joined WW a couple weeks ago too. I was perfect the first week, but only lost .8 of a pound. I got so discouraged that I haven't been back! Ahhhh!
    I need to get with it!
    Erica :)

  10. I'm giving you a standing ovation !

  11. WOW, that is awesome! Good job following the program!
    Keep up the healthly eating!

  12. good for you! you can do it- you did before! have a great weekend, xo

  13. I just went back on WW Wed. I sit down with the instructor and talked with her so I could get back on track. I have been BAD. I still have some weight lost from WW but I have been YOYOING for months or more. Wed. of this week I made my mind up that I was going to stop YOYOING and LOOSE the weight I need to. Yes, WE CAN DO IT!! Going shopping for more food tomorrow and sticking to WW. I PROMISE!! Now it's in writing to you. :-) You can do it and so can I and others. It is hard sometimes.
