Wednesday, February 6, 2013

valentines giveaway!!

valentine owl 1
"Whose" gonna be your valentine??    
heehee.. sorry.. just cant help myself!  I wish you could see how stinking cute this is in person... cause she is really cute!
valentine owl2
OK.. so to be honest?  I was making this as a giveaway... but guess what... I'm keeping this one and Making another one for one of you.   this is the third one I made, the first two were gifts.  
valentine owl
so...  leave me a comment... and I will pick a winner friday morning.  we have to do this quickly or she wont make it to the winner by valentines day!  the one I make for the give away, wont be on a base, it'll be an ornament.. you'll see..  it'll be just as cute though.. I promise.
speaking of cute.....   can ya beat this?  Just look at these little naughty babies... OMG.. I love my kittens!  they are just so purrfectly lovely!
my loveys
Peek a boo!
me and my babies
Have a great day bloggy pals! 


  1. you are so darn creative! I love how you did the eyes! happy wednesday Viv! xo

  2. How fun! You make the cutest things, Viv. Seeing you with your kittens starts off my Wednesday on a happy note!

  3. Very cute! I love, love, love your cats. When I was growing up my family bred our Siamese cats..wonderful cats. Yours have such lovely faces!

  4. We are siamese if you please......

    Okay, I want a chance at that stinkin' cute owl.


  5. Love the Valentine Owl and the kitties ! I've had siamese most of my life :o) Please include me in your adorable give away !
    Thank You, Sue

  6. Oh she is a beauty and just look at those long eye are green with envy. Thank you for the give-a-way.

    You did an awesome job with creating her. I love all the details. How long does it take to create one, Do you plan it on paper first. I would love to learn your creative process.


  7. Oh how precious! You are SO creative with your little Valentine projects! Have a blessed day dear Viv, HUGS!

  8. That is adorable, Vivian! Of course, I wanted to be entered for a chance to win! : )

  9. That's the cutest one yet! PLEASE, stick MY name in your entries!!!! I have every single thing you've ever sent me displayed! It doesn't matter that it's not Halloween 'cause no WAY am I puting up my candy corn baby Viv or my lil' pumpkin head boy! I'll be happy for whoever wins tho' because I have my REAL Vivvy-pie for a friend! (And my kitty niece & nephew! LOL!)

  10. I cannot seem to get enough of owls...why are they so dear? It must be a party all the time inside your head! You're the cutest! =D

  11. I would love to be entered in your giveaway! Such a sweet little guy! And your kitties....too cute!!


  12. Your kitties are so cute! I love my kittens also!! Please enter me in your give a way. She is so precious!! I would love to give her a home!!

  13. So adorable!!! Would love a chance to win!! Love your pretty kitties! Happy day to you! xo Heather

  14. She really is adorable! You are so creative! Would be happy to give her a home! Hope you are having a great week!

  15. Oh, I want a chance at winning that cute owl. I am such a cat lover and your kitties are so cute!

  16. VIV all I have to say is....please, please, please....pick me! pick me!, pick me!......sorry that wasnt' very dignified was it? LOL! : )

  17. Please enter me in the give away. I so admire your creations.
    Have a great day!

  18. "Owl" adorable! (get it? ha!) I would love a chance to win. Your kitty cats are precious!

  19. I really believe this little owl wants to come live with me - he is precious as are your kitties.

  20. Hey Viv, plz include me, I love your creativity. I'm gonna have to do a give-away some day, if I could keep my blog going. I'm almost at 100 posts, maybe for 101.
    love ya, lori

  21. Oh my gosh. I love cute little owls. Just love this one. You do such cute work.
    Love those kitties. Cute picture of the three of you.
    How is your son doing with the working non-stop.

  22. Hey Viv,

    Another masterful creation! Pick me Pick Me!!!!!!

    Love ya,

  23. Ummm.. I am owl obsessed. Love him, I want a chance to win that stinkin' cute owl.

    Your kitties are so adorable. I love Siamese kitties!

  24. Owl be your Valentine!!! Ha ha I love her, she's so cute!! Your kitties are so pretty, too. Siamese are wonderful cats! Had one so many moons ago!!

  25. I don't blame you a bit for keeping the first one for yourself - it would be VERY hard to let him go - so CUTE!

  26. Viv,
    I am just laughing so hard right now....but you "owlways" know I am your Valentine, right?????

    Working hard :):)


  27. So cute, Viv! Someone is going to be very lucky!!!

  28. Oh...I love your cute little creation! Just look at all the fancy trimmins and adorable details. I love her crinkly skirt...Pink is just the perfect touch! Rick rack...lottsa bling...EEEEEEEk! Cute! Cute! Cute!

    Thank you, Viv, for your loving comments and prayers for my grandbaby boy. He is a soft spoken little guy so full of sweetness.

    Blessings and thanks for including me in your darling surprise Valentine's Giveaway!

    Carolynn xoxo

  29. OH VIV!!! So cute!!! I would love to win one of your creations!! She is so cute! Not to mention the Naughty Babies are just as cute!!! I love my 2 furbabies too!

  30. Totally understand making something and not being able to let it least you can make duplicates!

  31. Ah Vivian you are so darned talented. Love the little owl. I've been kitty sitting for my son since November and now he's taking him to Vermont on Monday. I'm gonna miss that naughty little kitty. Xxoo Valarie

  32. I think this is just a darling Whimsical Creation... I always admire your work. Count me in for this fun giveaway.. fingers crossed Hugs & Kisses, Diane

  33. If those two kitty faces don't say trouble...We are siamese if you don't please! (I always think of that song from lady and the tramp when I see a pair of siamese cats). Blackjack is still getting use to having another and much younger cat in the house. My poor cranky old man.
    Chris =]

  34. That little "hooter" is just adorable! Thank you for entering me in your contest.

    What cute kitties too!



  35. Love the sweet Valentine owl.

    Thanks for the chance.

  36. How adorable is this owl (kitties too)!! Just too creative you are!

    Thanks for having this wondeful giveaway! Happy Valentine's Day to you and your sweet babies.

  37. such a cute hoot :)

    owls remind me of my late gramma, so I of course had to enter to win....

  38. Hi Vivian! I am having the darndest time getting my e-mails to go through to you. But oh my gosh am I ever the luckiest gal to have one of these owls. Oh Vivian, you out cute yourself with each thing you create! The brown and pink I think make this little owl so special. I'm blessed immeasurably by knowing you my friend. Thank you again! E

  39. What an awesome giveaway and what totally awesome kitty-love! I have been back reading your your work!

  40. OH, my that valentine owl is fabulous! I wish I could see it in person, too! (And those kitties are cuties.)

  41. Hi Viv - I just knew that you would have a great holiday post on your blog. I was so late getting things out of my attic, I skipped Valentines Day this year and went straight for the bunnies...

    I am heartbroken to say that my husband relapsed yet again..
