Sunday, March 31, 2013

preparing for the easter bunny...

pizza at gammies
Yesterday was egg dying day!  And boy did my baby pies love that!!  We laughed so hard at them.  we started out with pizza and wings.
serious work!
And then got down to business!
Torry was very very serious about this task. 
 And he worked very hard on coloring his eggs.. 
in fact when we were finished.. he was not very happy! 
"no gammie pie... moe eggs"
the egg dying kingdidnt want to stop.
torry eggshow many eggs can you fit in a cup
He had many eggs dying at the same time... 
and he did not need our help!
dying eggs
Marla was a freaken riot.. trying to eat the eggs...   
eating spoons full of dye...mmmm vinegar! 
and in the end, 
throwing lots of eggs on the floor!  
LOL!  shes so freaken funny!
marla eggsmarla eggs 4
marla eggs 2marla eggs 5
we all had fun.. 
I seriously cant wait to do it again next year!
having fun!sticker distraction
We're doing easter brunch here today.. 
and really I supposed I should go get my ham in the oven 
and get my breakfast casserole going. 
swinging at gammies
It wont be long til my baby pies show back up 
all dressed up for easter!
 Well be having breakfast casserole, bagels and cream cheese, sweet rolls,  fruit, watergate salad, ham and rolls, deviled eggs, carrot cake cupcakes and I'm contemplating making a pasta salad to have later..  well see..
the itsy bitsy spider song
And.. of course.. there will be candy! 
so off I go.. back to the kitchen.
Happy Easter all my little bloggy Peeps! 
I hope you all have a delightful day!
And dont forget..


  1. Aww! They are sweet :) Have a Happy Blessed Easter!

  2. Oh Viv!!!!

    So cute....I sure hope someday I get to do this with grand are the most awesome Grammie pie!

  3. Adorable. The little pies are getting big. I can't believe she liked the vinegar....oh my. So cute. I hope this morning went well. How could it not with those cuties.
    Vegetable soup from Bob Evans for the two of us, hah. But we are hanging in there.

  4. so sweet. nothing is as wonderful as grandchildren. i got to spend easter with all of mine too

  5. What sweet little ones. Such fun adventures at your house. Darling pics. I hope you had a blessed Easter with family today!

  6. Looks like all the little pies had a great time with their Grammie! Hoping you had a great day with your family! XXOO chris
