Sunday, October 20, 2013

a bony wave!

bony 2
Hello out there!!  (lol!)  
bony neroni is greeting all the passerbys in my porch window.  He looks so cool there.
marla 1
Yesterday was such a nice day.  I puttered all morning, and then I had a surprise visit from my daughter in law Tiffany and my precious Marla Pie.. who I had not seen in TWO whole weeks!  I was so happy to see them..  And Marla is a freaken nut!  OMG!! I love that baby so much! 
marla 3
We hung around here for a bit, and marla proved to me what I already know which is that she is brilliant!  not even two yet and look how she holds a pen!  and not only that, you know most kids make great big marks on paper with their pencils or crayons...  Not Marla, she writes teeny tiny very controlled little marks.. what do you think?? budding artist??  You bet this grammie is gonna do her best to foster that in her!!  lol!
marla 4
so not only did she amaze me with her amazing pen holding skills,  but she kept asking for Torry, so I showed her a video of him on my phone and she figured out how to play it over and over.. and how to flip through the pictures on it..   see?  what did I tell ya?  shes amazing!  LOL!! (Iknow.. im biased.. but indulge me anyways.. heehee!)
stuffed peppers
So we went out for a bit to the pet shop for birdseed and to look at the kittens and birds.. then to walmart  and then to get cider and donuts to take to Torrys house.. but they werent home, so we visited my other precious and very pregnant daughter in law Vanessa!  (I am blessed with a wonderful daughter in laws!!)
Then last night I finally got around to making the stuffed peppers and apple pie that Ive been dying for all weekend! 
OH SOOO GOOOD!!!!  I wish you all lived close, Id make more pies and have you all over for tea and pie!  
wouldnt we have the best fun?!
did you see that I cooked my stuffed peppers in a giant muffin tin?  what a good idea if I dont say so myself! lol!
marla 6
soooo today.. 
cleaning my craft room and then heading off to see the broadway musical of Ghost!  I cant wait!  
so till later.. Toodles ghouls!


  1. Oh that skeleton waving skeeerrred me:) Yum to the pie and the peppers! Enjoy your day dear Viv! I know that it couldn't be as nice as yesterday with that cutiepie visiting with you but TRY... OK? HUGS!

  2. I will be right over for my bell pepper and my pie, I do love your stuff, would love it if you lived next door...

  3. Viv, Your little Marla, has the face of an angel. I don't know how you could not be hugging her the whole time. Take more photos while she is this age. I went to my g.son's 18th birthday yesterday...he used to asked if he was the prettiest baby I ever saw...LOL They steal our hearts don't they.xoxox, Susie

  4. What a wonderful day!!!! My family celebrated my FIL's 90th birthday! It was wonderful also....:)

  5. What a fantastic weekend you've had. You are so lucky to have grands and DIL to spoil. I wish we lived closer. I'd gladly enjoy a piece of that yummy pie! Halloween hugs to you and your skeleton!

  6. I love that boney guy wave. He is more cute than scary. Your pictures look like candle light. Your house looks so Halloweenish. Your little pie is so adorable. You wore her out. Sounds like a good day. Yesterday I was busy with 4 out of 6 of my grandbabies. Exhausting but I love it. Have a great week.

  7. I want to come over for tea & pie ! Your pie looks delicious !

  8. lucky you to live close enough to get to a Broadway play. I've only been there see 1776. We loved it so much we went back the next day to a matinee and saw it again! I hope Ghost was a lot of fun!

  9. Marla is so darn cute! love her little ponytails.
    It sounds like it was a perfect day! I hope the musical was fantastic!
    Erica :)

  10. From the looks of things, you had a good day.

    Love that skeleton peeking out.

  11. Sounds like a perfect day hope the musical was wonderful!! Such cute grand babies!! Pig Tales was always one of my favorites when I was little :) Happy new week! xo Holly

  12. love your Skelly Man and your Grand cutie patootie's, they are adorable. I would totally love to hang out having tea with you!!!! Luv ya Viv!

