Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy thanksgiving!

Its good for all of us to think about the blessings in our lives and so easy for us to take them for granted. I'm thankful everyday, as I am pretty much reminded on a daily basis, that I do have a wonderful life !
I am thankful for:
my husband and my kids! and MY GRANDBABIES!!
my home and the sweet community we live in
my pets and all the wonderful awesome animals that God created!
I'm thankful for heat and water and food!
sugar! tea! cinnamon! and bread!
music! all kinds of music.. Christmas music!
I'm thankful for art.. and creativity and talent.. that is all around us.
I'm thankful for the 4 seasons.. I'm thankful that snow is pretty.. and that the cold makes me appreciate my cozy little house!
I'm thankful for my car! and my job!! and the people I work with.. even those I'm not so fond of.. because they make the people I am fond of that much more special!! Im thankful for my friends.. a huge blessing because I have so many wonderful and close friends!
I'm thankful that we were able to raise our children in this area...and never worried about their safety in school! I'm thankful that my kids are all healthy and well. and beautiful! and that they are close and they are each others best friends and they like to spend time with each other. and they gave me grandbabies!!
I'm thankful for america and freedom...
I'm thankful for god and his son!
I'm thankful for ice cream and cookies and pies!
I'm thankful for craft and fabric stores.
for Old things.. for odd things.. for colors.. all colors..
For sunshine and beaches!
for teddy bears and dolls!
for holidays! halloween. easter. valentines day. thanksgiving, the 4th of july and christmas.
for birthdays!
and birthday presents to give and recieve!
for computers!!!! and the internet! amazing !
for technology.. for smart people!
for medical advances and researchers...
for health insurance!!
for the moon and stars.. for scientists .
for soldiers..
for my health.. for the ability to get up and go to work everyday and to be able to do the things I want to do.
and for so much more, my list could go on and on.. 
'cause Im thankful for things like toothpaste and hand lotion! paintbrushes and glue!! and for the time I have to play and create in my little craft room! lol! 
And there is so much more.. 
Im thankful for my blogland buddies!
I am.... just thankful period.
♪♪Praise God from whom all blessings flow♪♪
Happy thanksgiving!


  1. We do have a lot to be thankful for don't we? Happy Turkey day my blogland friend!

  2. You have a giant thankful list. You are blessed. Happy Thanksgiving.

  3. Hoping you had a blessed Thanksgiving spoiling your grands. Happy Thanksgiving, dear Viv! The girls and their cousins spent all day sledding at our house. Now, I'm officially ready to start thinking of Christmas!!

  4. AMEN to your awesome thankfulness list. Happy Thanksgiving Viv!

    xo Danielle

  5. I love that song:) I am thankful for SO much and SO many in my life, including you! Have a blessed day dear Viv, HUGS!

  6. Happy Thanksgiving! Love those turkeys! :)

  7. I'm thankful for all of the above too! Your turkeys are amazing. And that new grandbaby is adorable. Almost as cute as mine! :) Mimi

  8. I am thankful each day for all we have. You and I are truly blessed.

  9. I hope you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! Grace xoox

  10. Sweet post. I hope you had a nice thanksgiving! I miss you too!
