Monday, January 27, 2014


OH my goodness to be on the beach....

in a warm sunny spot, under my colorful brelly!   digging my toes in the sand.... 

or just having a picnic at the lake with all my family on a warm summer day.. hotdogs and hamburgs on the grill..  baked beans and potato salad... Ketchup and mustard...

oh how I miss the smell of coconut scented sunscreen!     
I want pretty little barefeet and flipflops!

The sound of the water ...  playing in the waves....
beach days...beach days... how I miss thee!
Were having a blizzard here this morning.... suppose to die down a little in a couple hours.. but I so dont want to drive to work in it...   I suppose I should get ready and leave a good 1/2 hour or more early...  
have a safe and warm week everyone! 


  1. Ugh. I feel for you. Come visit us in Miami!

  2. We are supposed to be getting snow this tomorrow, WHAT? I actually like getting a tiny bit of snow occasionally:) Enjoy your day dear friend, Spring is just around the corner!

  3. It's good to dream. Safe travels to work. We have 100s of schools closed today. It has been a very long winter indeed.

  4. I'm with you there on the beach! I can hardly wait. We had that wind last night and I couldn't sleep because of it. Take care on your drive to work.

  5. Oh I'm so sorry you have to go out and drive in that mess! Love your photos, they make you feel warm & fuzzy just looking at them. Oh the beach toes ones is super! :)

    I just did a post showing how I use the adorable elves you made in my Valentine vignette. They are just too cute to put away yet! Can't thank you enough for them Viv! xo, Pam

  6. Geez-I could have sworn I left a comment here before! I am dreaming of Florida, too. I am so very, very sick of this winter. You see that Japolina up there? That chick lives in Miami! BOOOOO!!! lol She is VERY funny-if you don't know her! xo Diana

  7. I think this winter has been so hard on everyone. Even those that love winter, Like moi. Too cold.
    Oh, I'd love to come and have a party. We'd have to craft though.
    We are bracing for the extreme cold tonight. Already had pipes freeze twice now. Hubby gets up all night to run water and flush. He's a little OCD.
    Stay safe.

  8. Sounds wonderful!! Have a wonderful week and hoping the sun will shine warmly for you! xo Heather

  9. Yes I'm dreaming of the beach too. This winter is pretty bad and we have been sick most of the time :( I hope you have a great weekend!

    Sandy xox
