Wednesday, January 1, 2014

the first day of 2014

 Im starting out the new year playing and drinking tea!  Can you believe Frannie pants fits in that cloche?  yeah, no, dont believe it.  I would never put her in there, but it is a pretty PUrrfect picture and great timing that she sat there and it looks like shes in the cloch! lol!   Im so easily amused!
so here we are in 2014..  
I went back through the year on my blog... I like my blog.  I like seeing all the pictures and reading about my days!  What I found this morning about the past year was that it was a good year.  we had a wedding, a new baby, and recently a Christmas engagement! Weve also had an annoucement a couple months ago that we have another grandpie on the way for this coming summer!   we had birthday parties, showers, beach days and summer breezes!  weekends at my aunts cottage, weekends spent with friends here and there.  A family reunion with lots of crazy relatives,   lots of days spent with my precious precious baby pies,  lots of  holidays, lots of fun decorating and creating,  33 pounds lost,
(umm and then 33 pounds found!)    
the only low and very sad point was that Rob and tiffany lost a precious baby last april, Nathaniel...  She was about 4 months along.   That was a very difficult time for them, for all of us, and I think none of us knew how to deal with it.  so we stumbled through it.. thank God for their faith and the way the lord got them through it.. and Thank God for the new life growing in her now.  
Really.. unless Ive forgotten something and didnt blog about it, I cant think of any other bad thing that happen.  Weve all been blessed with decent health, homes, jobs, enough money to sustain us, and abundant love.  I look forward to a new year!  a new baby, planning a wedding with my daughter Bethany, enjoying my violet, marla and torry pies...more beach days and more holidays.. more creating... and more weight loss! (LOL!)  
and so much more!  
so heres to 2014.. I'm glad I get to enjoy it here with all my bloggy pies!! 
love to you all!
Happy new Year!!  


  1. I did the same this morning! I love blogging because it forces me to journal my days in pictures and words! I pray that 2014 is one we will look back on with smiles and happiness! HUGS and Happy New Year wishes coming your way!

  2. So beautifully said! Wishing you and your family a healthy and joyous 2014!

  3. I think you've actually squeezed 2 years worth of fun and adventures I to one year! I always think of my blog as a journal. I was never a diary keeper but with the blog, I can keep track of things that happened, stuff I made, people I shared life with.
    I wish you many happy, crafting days, more time with your cutie pies and health and contentment as we start 2014. I'm anxious to hear about Sandy's swap idea for Valentine's Day.

  4. Happy New Year! Your life is filled with the most important things and those are the things money can't buy. Life is good! Maggie

  5. Lots of blessing this past year for you. Although sad, you have another angel in Heaven. Love your plans for the New Year. You have such a great outlook on life. Here's to a great 2014

  6. You have had a wonderful year! I love following along with your adventures, Cheers to 2014!!

  7. Let's all hope for even more blessings this year!!
    You know I love your blog and hope you never leave!

  8. Happy, Happy New year to you, Viv. I always love coming here to visit- you are just a bright bulb in a darkened room- always full of life and ideas and fun. Your year was a good one-barring the loss of that sweet little soul...and I know that this year will be a good one for you. God bless- xo Diana

  9. You really have had so much happen this past year. Keep on blogging and sharing, we love following it! Happy New Year!

  10. Happy New Year and lots of love to you Viv!

  11. Wishing you the most wonderful New Year Viv! xoxo

  12. Wishing you a very blessed 2014, Viv! So many joyous occasions. Thank you for sharing them with us!

  13. I enjoy re-reading my posts too! Kind of like a journal or diary of what I've done during the year. I like your scene in the jar. May try something like that.
