Tuesday, February 18, 2014

in the cabbage patch....

 look at my precious little violet!?   Is she not a hoot!?  
One of Vanessas friends gave her this cabbage patch hat..  

Is she not the cutest darn thing ?
I can barely stand it!
just look at that face!

And then.. look at these faces too?    
so many adorable people in my life!
I had marla overnight on saturday night and I moved the little kids table 
and chairs in my craft room for her to while I was in there... she was having a ball.

I taught her how to trace her hand....   shes 2!!  look at her!   
little amazing princess that she is!
Lol.. now look at Torry in the rest of these pictures...  try taking a picture of 5 kids.. you can definitely tell who is it nutso one...  he is Craaazzzzy!

ok.. I hope you dont ever get sick of my pies..
now ive got to get ready for work.
still not feeling the best.. 
but not bad enough to stay home.. so 
hi ho hi ho... off to work I go!
have a great day !


  1. How could anyone ever get sick of seeing those adorable faces!! That cabbage patch doll hat is hysterical.



  2. What fun adventures you have with your grands. Darling! Happy Tuesday. I hope the work day speeds by for you.

  3. I am still laughing! When I saw your post title in my sidebar I thought, "Oh that ViV, she's making bunnies already!" When I saw Violet with that wig I couldn't stop laughing. You sure do have fun with your grandbabies! They are all cute!
    Hope you get through the day and start to feel better!

  4. OM Gosh, I thought it was a doll. So funny. I bet that's hot. Great photo op.
    Every time we try to take a picture of our 6 grandkids it is hoot.
    I need to get ahold of you about your win.
    Feel better.
    Off to pick up my Mabel from pre-school.

  5. They are all so cute- Yep- I can sure see who the cut-up in your family is! lol Love seeing them and that HAT is hysterical!!!! Hope you are feeling completely better by the time you get home from work. xo Diana

  6. Feel better soon Viv. Your grand kids are all adorable but the cabbage patch baby hat is the BEST baby hat I've seen in a long time. So cute!

    xo Danielle

  7. What a gorgeous family you have!
    Sweet little Marla looks like a mini-Viv; so cute!
    Such fun memories you are making for them all and they are so lucky to have you, too.
    I don't know the name of the cute little red-head in your bunch but I'm inspired to make a doll that looks like her.
    Hope you feel better soon and stay warm!

  8. They are all gorgeous. That cabbage patch hat is the THE BEST!!!
    Hope you feel better soon

  9. OH SO cute! We visited the Cabage Patch Hospital here in Georgia a couple of years ago... SO MUCH FUN! Hey Viv, I promise to NEVER get sick of your PIES if you promise to NEVER get sick of mine:) Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  10. Oh that hat is so cute and funny! :)

  11. Oh my goodness...Vanessa...so darling and funny...a hoot for sure!

  12. Such sweet cuties!!! LOVE-love the Cabbage Patch hat/wig!

  13. yOUR grand kids are so adorable. Isn't it the best to be a grandma?
