Thursday, October 9, 2014

in a hurry!

 I feel like the rabbit on alice in wonderland.. running running .. running.. late.   Well, Im not late for anything.  but I'm always in a hurry! lol! ( oh heck.. thats not true, Im late for all kinds of stuff.. thats why I never give an actual time.. I always say, "around such and such a time..."  lol!!  Because Im always getting caught up in something totally random at the last minute..  like right now.. rushing because suddenly when I should be getting ready for work, I find myself thinking..  Ohhh, I have time to put up a quick post.  and then I see Figgy and Frannie sitting her next to my computer with their eyes all squinty and cute wanting me to pet them.. and then I decide, I need to take their pictures.. which then means I need to Hurry and upload them.. label them and save them!  
 because its seems totally necessary to share them with you here, this morning.. like now,  because of course everyone in the world.. ok.. everyone in blogland, needs and wants to see figgy and frannies awesome cuteness this morning!  right?!  right!
Oy vey!   so.. I havent been doing much this week.. working and making bears.. many many bears to get done this month... might spill over into november which I was trying to avoid..  
oh my... November???  that is sooo close! 
 I think Ive decided to have a  little halloween teaparty.  Cant have all this cuteness and keep it to myself.  You are all invited!  lol!  (I WISH you could all really come!)   I made some invitations yesterday, but I think Im going to make different ones tonight..  Maybe I'll show them to you if they come out cute. 
OK.. OK.. OK...  Ive got to go!  still need to shower, pack a lunch, stuff a bear and feed the bird.. all in 40 minutes..  do you think I can do it???     Im gonna try!  
toodles and have a great day!


  1. Life is great when you have it filled with wonderful things and you do! Crafts, kids, cats, bears, family, decorating.What more could we want? Enjoy your day and feel sorry for people who say "I'm bored." I just feel sorry for them!Tea party sounds great! Maggie

  2. You know I'd love to join that tea party. I really wish we lived closer. I hope you crossed everything off your to-do list this morning. I swear I need to clone myself. The work Kim and the home Kim. I bet you feel the same. Hugs!

  3. Oh girl, you make me tired:) LOVE those bears! You are one busy lady! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  4. A Halloween tea party sounds so fun!! Wish I could come!

  5. Think we all need 48 hours in our 24 hour day. Can't wait to see your bears when you're done.

    Cutie-patooties frannie & figgy....hope you made thw work bell. :)

  6. Reading this post is like listening to the White Rabbit mutter he's "late", while looking at his pocket watch, Vivian! I don't know how you cram so much into such a short amount of time. Especially before work! I check email, a quick scan of headlines and one or two blog posts and before I know it I have to jump up to hit the shower!

  7. So much cuteness here - Fanny & Figgy, of course, all the Halloween lovelies and THE BEARS!!! Can hardly wait to see them all!!!
    Have a great weekend! Your Halloween tea party sounds delightful, or should I say frightful?!

  8. A tea party! How fun! You are busy, and still found time for us! Fun post!!!

  9. My mother called me an "eleventh hour" person. I guess you are too! Would so love to come to the party. Thanks for the invitation.

  10. You are the most creative person Viv!!!!!
