Wednesday, May 6, 2015

spring is such a tweet thing!

  well.. it does seem as though spring has finally sprung here!  The weather has been lovely (dare I say, a couple days,  actually hot..) and the trees are greening up nicely!  I love when the trees start to bud and they have that lacy-look to them.  I love that sweet fresh new spring green color...      all I can say is "Ahhhhhhhhh!"  its so refreshing..   
I love to have my windows and doors open.. with curtains blowing in with the breeze.. makes me happy!  And figgy and frannie are in heaven sitting on the window sills.... and they beg to go out on their little leashes!
 and then there are the birds!  Some people actually complain about all their happy little birdie songs starting so bright and early..     but I LOVE to wake up to their morning songs! And generally they are at it by about 5:00 am when I get up.  I just love love love them!
(little birdies in nest from kim kenward!) 
and I love to watch the birds gathering stuff to build their nests  and did you know that Robins dont just yank a worm out of the ground..   they have a gentle method.. sort of like fishing.. they work it out a little at a time...   Ive been watching!  (I HATE worms by the way.... lol!)
 Well not much else new..   I have a few big bear orders that Ive been working on.. Ive been on call this past weekend and this week.  Looking forward to the coming weekend.. hoping for more beautiful weather to celebrate mothers day with and fingers crossed that my Robby and Tiffany will close on their beautiful new house this week!
So presently... Im happy as a lark!  
happy Wednesday bloggy pies!


  1. Love all of those sweet birdies:) The little ones with their mouths open is just precious! Have a blessed day dear Viv, HUGS!

  2. Viv, Wishing the kids luck on the new house too. I love your pictures. I too love the lacy look of the trees leafing out. I sure do not mind hearing birds much sweeter than barking dogs. LOL. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  3. Oh I also love hearing those birds! Love to watch them also. We have 2 hummingbirds back already, so I'm making up the nectar. All your spring birdies and nests are so cute. Hope the closing gets done...stressful waiting for that.

    Hugs, Pam

  4. I love every picture in this sweet post. Those fabric toadstools in the top picture are just wonderful! You need to share some of the pics on Instagram too! Congratulations on soon-to-be house closing for your kiddos.

  5. Oh Viv,
    All the little birds and birds nest are adorable and I'm with you- I love bird song! By the way the babies in birds nest is pretty cut too;-)
    sugar, spice and whatever's nice

  6. What a sweet, cheerful post! I could almost hear the songs of little birds as I read it. Enjoy your beautiful day!

  7. Thanks for your comment on my knife block makeover, Vivian! I wish I had the talent to paint that harlequin design freehand! : )

    Love all your Spring decorations. Those fabric mushrooms are too cute! I have some sewing I want to get to this weekend, too, and I know you will understand when I say that a perfect Mother's Day weekend will be that I can do that.

    Happy Mother's Day~!

  8. Sweet Pictures! Happy Collections!
