Monday, February 8, 2016

good morning monday!

Good Monday Morning my bloggy pie friends!
I should not be sitting her on the computer as I have an order for 14 shirt and tie pillows that I need to finish.  well, they're all cut out.  I guess that's good, since that's what takes the longest.  Sometimes I just don't want to sew.  unless I have some great burst of inspiration.. but these pillows, do not do it for me.  lol!  
sometimes I have so much other stuff going on with family, work, orders and other responsibilities that I get myself a little attitude.  which is why those pillows arent done yet.  I wanted to do anything other then work on those, so I cleaned and dusted yesterday. you know I must have been desparate if I was cleaning over sewing!   lol!  But it was for me, because  clean house is a gift you give yourself! 

I shouldnt complain too much.  I do find time to craft here and there.  I couldnt live with out it.  I did a couple of valentine swaps with a couple friends and made these mice above.  but now that Im looking at the picture, I realize that I never gave them whiskers!  duh!  Barb and Marlene, if youre reading this, please give them whiskers!  lol!

this is what I recieved from one of the girls, Barb!  its a mouse sailing on the SS VIV!  how cute is that!?  Love it! the other I havent recieved yet.  but I'll be sure to post a pic when I do!

I also did mushroom valentine swap with another friend.  this is what she made me!  Love it!  I tried to upload another picture of it so you can see the spool base.. but blogger wont let me right now for some reason.   I cant show you what I made her yet, because she hasnt recieved it yet!  but I will when she does.
HOw 'bout these adorable treat bags!?  cute or what?  1.00 at the dollar general  I couldnt pass them up.  now.. what shall I put in them?  

Okeedokie bloggy friends.. I really need to get ready for work!  so toodles and have a great day!


  1. You are so talented. Love your special mice (even without whiskers). How adorable is that sweet toadstool! Such talented and creative friends you have! I didn't get my housekeeping done this weekend. The dust just keeps accumulating! Have a great week ahead!

  2. Beautiful creations : ) and your photos are so nice.I hadn't heard that quote. I think I might just have to write it down to encourage Myself.

  3. Your cute Valentine's are so inspiring! i love the felt. I have never tried needle felting and I want to give it a try sometime.
    Hey, now that you dusted, you don't have to do it for a long while. At least that's the way it is for me! Have a great week, Viv!

  4. Viv, I laughed about choosing cleaning over sewing...I used to say when I got mad I would clean house....I try not to get that mad anymore. LOL. I loved your cute Valentine things. The mouse is so cute. Blessings to you, xoxo,Susie

  5. Cute as always, Vivie pie :)
    Happy Valentine's Day...

  6. EVERYTHING is soooo cute! I can't get enough of your cute creations. Cleaning house??? Oh gosh, it's a good thing I live in the boonies. No one comes to visit me!

  7. So many cute crafts:) Have a blessed day dear Viv, HUGS!

  8. Whiskers or not, your little mice are adorable. In fact, everything you shared is adorable. You know how to put the HAPPY in Valentine's Day.

  9. Whiskerless mice are still adorable!!! You swaps look like so much fun!
    I feel your pain right now...I just can't seem to sit at my desk and crafting mojo!!!

  10. You have the cheeriest happiest Valentine house ever! and I love my ornaments! I "heart" you. love, Maggie
