Tuesday, November 13, 2007

buried in bears...

hows everyone doing on their snowman ornaments! Im really excieted about the one I'm making for debra at hophopjingleboo! I hope it turns out as well as I imagine it in my head!

I hope everyone was able to connect with their partners ok.. please let me know if you are having problems and I will try to help!

I am very tired and a bit grumpy this evening.. (just to my family though!) I wouldnt be grumpy to any of you! it was a long day at work.. but I can not discuss my work publicly. that would not be a good idea!

well I think I shall go park my self in front of the sewing machine! I got quite a bit done over the weekend, but still have sooo much to do! I will post pictures of this bear order when I finish it! there are 11 bears made out of these coats..

They will be wonderful when they are finished, bur fur coats are difficult to work with.

well I need to get off of here.. have a great night!


  1. good luck with those bears, i really don't know how you get so much done...and about your comment to me...that is the whole reason i started blogging, because i didn't have anyone in my little real world circle who "got" the things i love...well the girls in blogland sure do and all of them, yourself included have been a huge blessing to me:)

  2. got my snowmen (people) done!!! ready to send them out!!! hmmm (was that plural? i didn't know when to stop when i began creating them!)

  3. OH my lots of bears to be made!! those are going to be super duper cute! I hope ya feel better and get happy! no need to waste a day being grumpy! worksmurk who needs it haha... Thank you so much for leaving me comments on my blog it makes me feel tons better! HUGS!! and cant wait to see those bears! oh and my snowman pt. is in touch with me but I am not in touch with what Im going ot be doing I need some inspiration! maybe it will come to me when I am bout to visit lala land tonight at bed time! well off to cook dinner! toodles!

  4. Working on my snowman. This is way too much fun. Have a great night. Mary

  5. Wow, please post pics of the Bears!
    And I love it when I go to a site and get lost in their music!
    Sandra Evertson

  6. OH you girlies! I'm so glad you all stop by to see me.. it just makes my day!!! ♥

  7. Hi Vivian
    I am newer to your site and enjoy the music also. It is one I check often. Wow, I get what you say about the Adult ADD. Talk about no concentration and every thing becomes a rush project then. Hard to find times to really get into anything and then when I do really get going, the kids are needing me! Love the pic of the snowman you made! New to swapping crafts but looking forward to it!
