Sunday, November 11, 2007

Yesterday was Roberts Birthday!
Today's day two of my three day weekend.. hmmmmm..... I have a mess in my kitchen.. I 'm about to go out there and make a quick snowman (out of paper clay) so he can start the drying process and I can finish him later this week! I started two other special ones last night!
Then I will be cutting out 11 bears and getting them ready to be sewn. My goal is to get them finished by thanksgiving! I can do it.. if I stay focused. I have developed a terrible terrible case of adult ADD! OH my gosh.. it just sucks! I just bounce form one thing to the next all the time.. Once I really get rolling I will work myself into the zone! but it takes a good deal of preparation!!!

I took a roast out for dinner.. I hope it thaws by 2:00..

Yesterday was little robbies 19th birthday! hard to believe that my baby is 19! So 19 years ago I called my doctor at home as soon as my husband walked out the door to go to work (cause he told me not too!) and begged to be induced! I had had false labor like 5 times! the final the night before. anyways.. that was at 8:00 am.. YOu know what he said? "OK.. be at the hospital by 9:00!" honestly! (there are perks to living in small towns!) so I called my husband, took the kids next door and had my baby that day! I was sooooo sick of being pregnant! I wasnt even really more then a day or two past my due date! I had a funny little doctor.. unfortunetly he has since passed away.. However.. Little Robby lives on!!!!
Ok.. If I sit here alll day on the computer.. I will never get my bears done.. there are 30 bears to be made.. I only finished 6 of the orginal pile up of orders, but I have gotten more orders.. christmas time... and dear friends that have lost husbands and mothers this year.. the memory bears are precious to people.. and I cant say no to people who hurt. so anyways.. I will take pictures to post later!
I'm going to start my I'm thankful list this week too.


  1. Happy Belated Birthday to your son! They gro so fast! my son will be 2 in December! Happy Crafting!

  2. Handsome young man! I have a son who just turned 20. It seems just a short while ago that we brought him home from the hospital.

    Have a great day~

  3. WOW you are so busy, crafting and getting ready for the Holidays. Kind of just taking the day off and resting here today. Wishing you a great night. Mary

  4. Viv, Happy Birthday to your handsome son!!!
