Thursday, August 6, 2009

blah blah blahgging !!

Look at the kitty that came in the mail today.. Do you just love him?? I do! I recieved it from Judibird a very talented girl I met on flickr! We did a little 1:1 swap!

I wanted to blahg about blogging because Ive gone over the 300 posts mark now! we should get a little coin or something like they get at AA after theyve been sober for so long! heehee

I just have to say that there are the most wonderfully creative people out here in our blogland world... and the best thing about blogging is that we get to bump into them when we would probably other wise never have known that they existed!

Blogging enriches our lives and makes our great big world just a little smaller and brighter... I have gotten to know girls from canada, japan, singapore, italy, australia, Germany, spain, england, and turkey (I know Im forgetting some) And lets not forget the girls all across the states who all love to share their lives through the creativity of their blogs, through their stories, in their photographs and in their art. They inspire us, challenge us, and encourage us and pray for us! I recieved more love and support when I lost my precious old kitties this past year, from women all over the place, that knew exactly how I was feeling then I could have ever imagined. Sometimes its hard to keep up with all the blogs I love to visit and I'm always finding more and more that I want to read!!! There are sooo many out there!!Sometimes I can only stop by for a quick read through and dont have time to leave comments, but most of the time I do try to leave a thought or two, because who wants to blog if people arent reading and reacting to what we have to say!

sometimes when I'm reading a blog I think.. there is a person just like me somewhere out there documenting their days and thoughts into cyber space. And I wonder just who is this person that I'm reading about? If its a blog Ive been reading for a while, I can almost picture them doing their daily chores! I know they're living their lives as best as they can, loving their families, feathering their nests, wondering what to make for dinner, doing laundry, loving pretty things, being creative and wanting to connect with other women out here in this great big world. They all have ups and downs in their lives, some they share, most they probably dont. Some go off to work.. and I wonder what they do at their jobs.
Most of my friends dont "get" blogging at all. And, they think we're all goofy. (We probably are) But.. its ok.. cause we all know its fun to blog, and unless youre doing it, you probably wont understand it!

anyways, I'm just carrying on and on here arent I??? Are you still with me? I do often wonder why you ladies keep coming back.. I dont necessarily think i'm all that interesting! whatever it is, I'm glad you do!

SO.. in honor of my 300th post, I'm doing a giveaway! It'll be a teddy bear.. not sure what size, maybe tiny.. maybe big.. maybe in between.. but a bear it'll be. So leave a comment here.. and I will draw a winner monday night!

Oh, and the swaps I'm hosting, I just have to tell you again how thrilled I am with the girls that have joined so far! I may close the swap out early, so if youre thinking about it, you should make up your mind and join! will probably close it on sunday. For swap info click on badge!

(Hello frannie! thats figgy above)
.. I think I'm getting another one! just shoot me, I must be nuts! I stopped at the vets yesterday to make an appointment for the naughties to get declawed.. (dont yell at me.. If they are going to live here, it has to happen.. I dont feel great about it either.. ) anyways the vet has the cutest little orange and white kitten that needs a home and he had to go and show it too me and tell me i should take him home! I talked to my hubby and oddly enough, he didnt seem to mind! I think hes greatful that Im not trying to bring home a dog!
OK.. I told ya to start.. this was a blah blah blah post!! I suppose I should end this here... so..
OFF I GO! gotta read a couple blogs and get some icecream!
TOODLES all you girlies!


  1. Viv~ I love your thoughts on blogging. It is a wonderful world out there, isn't it?
    My parrot, Mojo, is a Quaker or Monk Parrot. He is a little charmer!
    Thanks for always leaving such sweet comments on my blog!

  2. Viv, what you said about blogging is so true...i feel such a connection to the girls i visit all the time...and like you i can almost picture them going about their best friend "B" does not get blogging either...she also thinks its a little weird...well, no matter...we all get it...and we know where to find others who do too...LOVE your kitty from Judibird!!! and your sweet little real fur babies:)

  3. You Blahg'ed well here Vivvy! You hit the nail on the head when you talk about Blogging. My pals dont get it either. It was wonky to get started with blogging. Kinda didn't know how to start, where to start or what to say. Then it just came right out... and it's been smooth sailing ever since. I love blogging. I read about because 1) I think you're interesting. 2) I admire your work. 3) you keep it real as a lot of us bloggers do (so we can relate). 4) your kitty's are cute. I can't have any as hubby is allergic so I can stop by and see you and the kids (kits) 5. You're a great host and blog pal.
    I can't wait to start with the swap! Woohoo!
    Oh- Aunt Pitty Pat is having a Halloween Raggedy Ann swap. Go check it out *winks* Hugs!

  4. ps- cute cat that came in the mail! :O) Guess I got to blahg-ing too *winks*

  5. and i helped *;)

    i'm glad you didn't nudge me to take the kitty. i'm feeling very vulnerable right now, what with rory moved out and rowan off to orlando for a week ....

  6. Viv, I love your felines!!! I have posted a special blog on my site so you can meet my Shiloh! He was fluffier than your two but was the same color when he was their age! I love to read your blog! Congrats on keeping at it!!!

  7. I'd like to enter my name for the drawing for a Frannie or Figgy.

    Oh, you aren't giving away a kitty? :( LOL

    I always enjoy reading about your creative endeavors, life with kitties, and your children.

  8. Viv, Congratulations on passing the 300 post mark. Well done!!! Such a great post on blogging, you put to words perfectly exactly what I love about this whole blogging thing. I just wish I had more time to do it. Maybe when the kids are back in school.;-)

    Your sweet kitties are just too adorable.

  9. Viv,

    You said what I feel about blogging. I often feel starnded on an island of uninspired folks here where Ilive, and blogs are sometimes the only connection I feel to other creative folks..especially folks who love the same sort of junk-filled quirky art existence as me!

    Thanks for posting, thanks for being there and being inspiring, thanks for letting me join your shadowbox swap, and mostly, thanks for just being you!


  10. Bonjour Viv~

    I loved seeing more picture of the kitties! They are so beautiful.

    This posting about Blogging was just perfect. I really enjoy it too and feel the same way you do about Blogging. I just think if people think it's weird, they have no idea of the inspiration they are missing out on or the wonderful friendships to be made :)

    Happy Saturday!

  11. I always love your blog Viv. It's like having a conversation with a close friend. I was very lucky to be able to meet you in person!
    Hugz, Nancy

    ps: check out these creations on etsy
    Someone on fb pointed me in that direction. I'm sure you will love them!


  13. I think you are interesting Viv! and I also have the pleasure of knowing you in person! Lucky me!
    Congrats on making it to 300 posts! I hope i win your fabulous giveaway- your bears are amazing~
    Have a great weekend my friend!
    xo natalea

  14. I *love* blogging too.. it gives me a creative outlet, and accountability, and some other adults to 'talk' to, lol... and sometimes you can connect with somebody that you have know for decades in a whole new way;)

    And yes, your kitties are cute.. but not as cute as mine! so there.. hehehe. (maybe I need to drop mine off at a vet's office somewhere, so they will finally find a home;)) Have a wonderful weekend, Viv♥

  15. Hello Viv,
    Congrats your 300th post!
    So great to read this post and you had my thoughts about blogging too:) And have i ever tell you that you are so generous to leave me your 1st visit comments in my blog last time? It was so great and happy to see your visited my blog and encouraged me so much not to be a shy girl to meet ppl around the world!

    I really wanted to THANK YOU SO MUCH from the bottom of my heart:)
    I had been dissapeared for so long...really miss your blog:)


  16. Hi Viv!
    Nancy D sent me over and I am so glad she did...thoroughly enjoyed your blah blah blahgging. I am still a novice but have managed to jump in with both feet!
    Bearly Sane Blog
    Fantasy & Fancy Blog

  17. hmmmm...tis the season that i see a PUMPKIN in your future...sweet little orange kitty...or perhaps LINUS... >^..^<

  18. yay, viv! 300 posts! that's 300 more than me!! hee, hee. i'll start soon - scouts honor! and yes, your kitties are so FREAKING cute!! xx jennnnnn!

  19. Wait for me...wait for me. Please throw my name in the hat! How exciting!
    I enjoyed reading your thoughts on blogging. I think you summed it up perfectly.
    And your little black cat swap is precious!!!

  20. Congrats what a great blahging about blags.I agree with everything you said,My friends mother read my blog then saw others and saaid i didnt think there were more than 5 people like you in the whole world.Seee we may be weird but theres a lot of us !
    Happy Bloghgavesary

  21. I love blogging too though mine is mostly about teaching. There's something about sharing one's thoughts, feelings, and ideas that encourages others to do the same- I've made new friends, learned new things, and received support and understanding thanks to blogging and reading blogs such as yours!

    Of course I love getting my kitty-fix when you post your characters' cute faces too!

  22. Good thoughts on bloging. I just saw Julie and Julia last night (loved it) and blogging really gave the protagonist a new outlook on life.

    LOVE Judibird's work! great kitty!

  23. We have 5 kids...adopted. Hubbie would have had a bakers dozen. I said no more. The youngest is now 17. He wants more. Each time he talks about it I get him a puppy. We are now two in two years! I have to resort to something smaller!

  24. Your kitties are cute. I visit your blog daily and have enjoyed a swap or two with you!

  25. your blog is wonderful and fun - i love it - blog about blahging - what a hoot - thanks for my birthday wish on my 70th! it was thee best! love, patti, kecia's mom!

  26. Frannie is sooooooooo cute. So is Figgy. Everytime you call Frannie you will have to think of me. :-) Lots of people call me Frannie.
    If my cat "Kat" would let me have a kitten, I would get another one. He's to sit in his ways. He's 9 years old and never been outside or around another cat. He doesn't have front claws. He has back claws though. :-) I try to keep them trimmed. They hurt when they are long. He doesn't mean to hurt us but when he jumps up in our lap the back claws come out. He's a sweetheart. Just like a kid. He doesn't know he's a cat. LOL!

  27. Oh,..pick me! I want one of your fabulous bears :) I love the black cat you received girl!


  28. What a great post Viv. Blogging...u either get it or you don't! Another Kitty..what the heck..U know me..I'd go for it! LoL. I am so tempted to join your hlloween shadowbox swap but last time I joined your swap my health went down the tubes and I had to bow out. Now I feel a bit superstitious...weird huh?

  29. I love to come here and visit. You always have wonderful posts...hugs...m.

  30. You couldn't have said it better, Viv! Blogging is fun and it can really inspire on so many levels! Not only THAT, in my case it's 99% of my social life because I don't get around so well anymore & I look forward to interacting with everyone through their various blogs! About the new kitty: WOOOOHOOOOO! Can't wait to see! Franny & Figgy will have a brand new sibling! (And, OH YES! They surely ARE cuties!)

  31. Those are the most adorable kitties I've ever seen! Well, kitties that are not real I mean. :)


  32. Those kittehs are cuuute!

  33. Viv,

    Your thoughts are so right...blogging is great fun and with so many built in friends. I would LOVE to win your precious bear!!

  34. Hi Viv,
    I took a little break from blogging..but now I'm back...just in time to read your post about blogging:) All of true.


  35. Oah Viv, I´m too late for the swap :o(
    This is a great post. It is right what you have to tell about posting and glogging and 300 posts are a lot, wow!
    Your kitties ARE really cute!!!

  36. congrats on your 300 post please enter me in your giveaway. I love the kitty you recieve

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Thanks for dropping by, Viv!
    And yes! I did freak out! I don't want that to happen again any time soon! Haha
    Have a great week!
