Tuesday, August 11, 2009

giveaway winner and stuff!

Here I am! Ive been busy in here.. working on a bear order.. I shouldnt be on the computer right now, because I seriously need to finish them.. There are five. I'll show you when Im done!
I bought another CHEAP set of shelves for my craft room and my daughter took her 4 bins of books out of the closet in here, so I have more storage room now! I love hanging out in here with my kitties!

I've not been a good blogger lately.. I recieved some things in the mail from people and I havent acknowledged to them that there were recieved yet!!! I've also been meaning to post these two pictures. The first one is of the goodies I won from Heather at SPeckled egg. I know I will use all the goodies she sent me. so much cuteness here! Thank you Heather! I need to pop over and let her know that the package came a couple days ago.. ( i should have let her know the day it came.. but Ive been soo busy!)
And the same with these goodies, I got in the mail the other day and still need to let my partner know they came! I recieved the book and collage from Emily We were in a swap that Kai hosted, a summer reading swap. Thank you to Emily and Kai too!

As for my swaps, they are now closed, except that I could use one more pinkeep swapper. anyone interested? or maybe one of you that are already signed up would like two partners? There will be Lots of halloween shadow boxes and halloween pinkeeps for everyone to look forward to seeing! lots of talented girls in this swap! Now its time to get busy!

OH and one more thing before I get back to those bears... The winner of my 300th post giveaway is..... (insert drum roll here!) is kathy of countrychintz!!! I think I have your address kathy, but would you email it to me anyways?
ok.. to the bears I go! I shall have to move the preciousness from my chair though!


  1. nooooooo, don't move those babies...they look so sweet Viv, how could you disturb them? your crafty space looks wonderful...i dream of having a space to work in some day...i love your mail goodies, how fun!!! have fun working on those bears:)

  2. Isn't lovely receiving parcels when you don't really know exactly what's inside...very exciting!

  3. Vivian!
    I LOVE the way your craft room/studio is looking with the new shelves. And, the picture of the kitties is so cute. They are so beautiful and wonderful. Please give them some extra pettings from me.
    : )
    Oh, and have a look at my blog when you get a chance. It's dressed up for Halloween. : )
    Big hugs from,

  4. Hello Viv!
    Your 2 little preciousness were so loving each other and too cute!
    Can't wait to see your bears *teehee*
    Looking at your craft room make me feel so warmth and such a great place to do your craft inside:) Love it very much!
    Nice goodies from Heather:)

  5. I love your craft room...it looks so nice an cozy! Can I come over and sit in it??? :) Thanks for stopping by.

  6. Oh Viv...look how sweet the babies look and I love the little paw up on the other one's back :)

    Your space to create looks so warm and inviting.


  7. Your craft room is so beautiful! I am signed up for the swaps and would be happy to have two partners to even out the pinkeep swap.

  8. Vivian, Not to interupt your bear making, but what cute shelves you have, closeups please! Your kitties are too sweet for words. About the images, they are the actual greeting cards. I know it's awful that they are all gone from me now; but I so wanted people to have the same thrill that I did when I first saw them. They are so amazing in person. Pinkeep ideas are floating in my head - we both need to get to work! AHHHH, E

  9. I Love your craft studio room. It's beautiful. Your kitty's are so sweet and adorable. Makes me want to reach in and pet them.

    Can't wait to see the bears you are making.

  10. Well, your craft room looks a lot better than mine. I have been on the fence about joining your pinkeep swap ...if you still need someone to even it out I volunteer. I haven't made one yet but I'm sure I could do it.

  11. VIV !!! __ WOW WOW -- Had to read it twice -- am dancing and prancing ( a very scary sight according to my grown children )--Can't believe I won !!!
    THis is a banner God has Blessed me in wonderful ways this day !! THis I will shout to the
    blog world -- The other a special
    ♥ blessing -- Thank you Dear friend -- Kathy - ga
    * P.s. Your room is so loverly --- I gotta get organized here -so I can get in the groove of creating -and be able to find all the suplplies

  12. Hey chickadee! I love your new shelfs! Look how cute and good those two babies look! hehe cats are so cute but so bad at time! Snookie takes over my craft chair to! hehe Cant wait to see the bears your busy making! Isnt Heather the sweetest and best?! She has the cutest stuff! Big hugs


  13. Your kitties are sooo big! Your workspace looks like something out of a magazine. Wonderful!

  14. Love your extra neat and organized craft space...that's on my goal list.

  15. Dear Mom,

    Please get a cute, pink tablecloth for the table in the corner that your sewing machine is on.

    Frannie & Figgy are the cutest things on the face of the earth. I found an adorable pink pokadotted pet bed at Home Goods today that would be perfect for two adorable siamese kittens...or even just one...which would look perfect right in my apartment...if my landlord wasn't so horrible...and would actually allow me to have such beautiful babies. Oh well. I might have to call in some favors from "the family"...if you know what I mean (though dad insists that we're not actually part of the mafia...who really believes that?!?!). ;o)

    Thank you.

    Love, Jen (with only 1 n, lest you forget)

  16. I love seeing your babies they are so sweet...hugs...m..

  17. Hi Viv- I wouldn't mind having 2 pin keep partners! :)

  18. Oh, your room looks good and cozy, Viv! Very inviting:)

    And the kitties have grown so much!

  19. I LOVE your space. IT looks just like a candy store!
