Monday, September 6, 2010

so long summer....

tony and vanessa
Hope everyone enjoyed Labor day today. We had a great afternoon of picnicing with family. All the kids and their boyfriends, girlfriends and a few extras came over for a nice cookout. torry , jen and baby josie

We had burgers and hotdogs, cheesy potatos, pasta salad and corn on the cob..
followed by brownies, choc cake and ice cream!

(hey, try not to notice that house in the background.. its been vacant and uncared for for about 20 years! I would rather have it like that though then to have some one live there! lol!)
torry, beth and katie
The kids tossed the football around and dug out skateboards and skated in the street.
lol! I say kids, but the youngest one is 21! not really kids anymore! Anyways it turned out to be a nice day. Was supposed to rain, but all we ever got were a few sprinkles.
jenny be cheery
Saturday, my daughter jen and I met up with Jenny (be cheery)
natalea kandeland
and Natalea (Kandeland) for lunch and a little craft supply shopping! it was great to see them. I'm so glad that I was able to meet these girls. If it werent for blogging I may never had known them! Natalea brought her crazy daughter Scarlet with her. She is a character!! I know she keeps Natalea in stitches!
jen and scarlet
So that was today and saturday, then there was yesterday.
I dont know what got into me, but all of a sudden I realized that the next 4 or 5 weekends are totally filled and that I wasnt gonna have time to get my halloweenies out! so I decided to get everything out and get busy with halloween decorating. I decided when you have so many cute things, you need to get it all out and set up early so you have time to enjoy it all.. whats the sense of having it out for a couple weeks?? So YUP! its Halloween time at my house. I had such a great time opening up all those sweet halloweenies that I havent seen since last year.
summer out.. halloween in .
This picture above was after unpacking the first of 6 bins. It took me from 1:00 in the afternoon until 11:30 last night to get everything out and set up. When I get a new holiday or season out.. I have to put the old one away! so I had to pack up the stuff thats been out all summer. A lot of work! but now other then the front porch, Im pretty much done!
Look at these sweet Lori mitchell dolls! I had put them on layaway months ago and forgotten them. I finally picked them up last week. Arent they cute?! Ha.. but I have no where to put them!
my new lori mitchels!
I have a busy week in store.. need to get caught up at work first of all.
but also, I'll be going away this coming weekend to my aunts cottage with a few girlfriends for a weekend of crafting! I am so looking forward to going! But I have a lot to do to get ready to go.
figgles and frannie
I hope all of you had a great weekend. I'm pooped! (sort of like figgy and frannie)
I hope you all know that I've been blog hopping but not leaving comments this week. NO time! but I have been trying to keep up!
also.. I'm about to hit 500 posts in a couple weeks. I'm gonna try to think up something special to celebrate! 500 posts.. and I'll be 50 years old very soon... eiy yie yie! Where does the time go?
Okeedokie.. I have to get off this crazy computer. I have things to do!
have a good night everyone!


  1. Looks like you had a great Holiday ! :) How fun to go to the craft stores with the girls, I want to go ! Hee hee ! :)

  2. Your circus dolls are adorable! Looks like a fun weekend!

  3. I STILL want to go play at YOUR house! I could wander around petting your sweet kitty-people & looking at all the pretties for a whole DAY. You wouldn't even know I was THERE (until I came and swiped a big ol' bite of those cheesy potatoes. YUM! LOL!) LOVE YOU, VIV!

  4. Your Halloween stuff looks amazing. Can't wait to see it all up. Your posts always inspire me. I am in the mood to put Halloween up too! Have a great time with your friends crafting! ~ Kim

  5. Hi Viv,

    Sounds like you're a little busy.....LOL..I love cheesy potatoes, too! I just had to get that in there, anyway, I can't wait to see what crafting you do, so make sure to post it all.


  6. Okay, I'll admit it, I want your life! Wink...Halloween goodies and all...
    You take the Halloween Cake my dear, once again with cuteness!

  7. Oh girl, I love seeing pictures of the kids... I remember when your boys were skateboarding pros (or practically;-)) The girls look beautiful... I think of Bethany so often and am praying for her little eensy weensy one too♥

  8. Hello Viv! Long time no see! Sounds like you've been as crazy busy as I have! Stopping by to say hello, and it sounds like you are having a great time with your art and family! Many blessings!
    Zan :)

  9. Great pics looks like fun -- &HAlloween stuf too too cute !!!
    running behind as ever -- KAthy - ga ♥

  10. I want to dive headfirst into that pile of halloween goodies!!! I have to come over and visit before it comes down!!! That was sooooo fun the other day- (but I look totally constipated in that photo!) and would you freaking believe what I am doing with Jenny in October?!!? YES I AM!! xo

  11. Glad you had such a nice holiday. It's always the best to be with family and friends. Love all your of my favorite times of the year!
    XO Nancy

  12. Hi VIV!
    Might I suggest my living room for your adorable dolls?!?! I would love to provide a foster home (and space) for them! DARLING!

    Your blog and Halloween-y goodies are so wonderful...I can't wait to see your home all bedecked in Halloween goodness! YAY! I've become such a fan of the holiday...and to think I never used to celebrate much when my boys were little?!?! Perhaps I'm in my second childhood? Perhaps I'm just NUTS for the whimsical Halloween decor?!?!

    Hugs and Hoots,
    Paula Clare

    PS Your Halloween banner images are wonderful...I can't wait to get our banner all together, can yOU?!?!

  13. Vivian, I am so dang jealous! It looks like you had the bestest Labor Day weekend. Shopping, picnicing and crafting with blogging friends. I wish I was there with you. SERIOUSLY.

    I love all of your Halloween treasures. And the circus dolls are soooo cute.

    I hope you stay busy and happy my sweet, sweet friend.

    xo Cathy

  14. Looks like good times spent with family and friens... fun shopping, getting out the goods...and whew you have a lot of it..ha ha ha... Love the circus characters..they are so cute.... Have a great remainder of this week. Hugs, Mica

  15. Hi Viv.. did you get the box of lamb "fluff" yet?

    Glad you had a fun holiday!
