Friday, September 3, 2010

woohooo! bathing beauties!!

bathing beauties!
(I had to post this small or it would cut me off! of all the nerve!
I think if you click on it you can see it larger!)
ARe we hot or what! ? LOL!!! When we went to ocean city this summer, I dont know if I told ya's or not, but it was Senior week.. as in just out of high school, not as in senior citizen! anyways, we were surrounded with beautiful young bodies.. and yes.. I will admit it, we were feeling a little jealous!

We made "friends" with a bunch of the kids that were staying in the same place we were. They were there to have a good time and a good time they had! We had a theme song for them and we spent the week singing the Whos ♪Teenage waste land.. its only teenage waste land♪ the kids would stop to see us everyday, sometimes sober, sometimes not! We were the minority for sure that week. They called us the cougars! lol. I wasnt sure I liked being called that, but they meant it in fun. The guys stopped to see us more often then the girls, (yeah, thats cause were so hot! not!) we reminded them of their mothers and they just liked to check in with us! lol!
Anyways, one day on the beach, the girls asked me to snap their picture. so I had them doing all kinds of fun poses, and they were all adorable and had the cutest freaken little bikinis on! I ended up telling them we thought they were all adorable and that we were really jealous because we used to be them! Then I asked them if we could take their pic, and then have them take our pic in the same pose so we could photoshop off their heads and put ours on instead. They loved the idea... and this picture is the end result!
Thank you God for photoshop!
Thats all for tonight guys, just wanted to share this picture! hope you get a good chuckle out of it! see yas later!
OH yeah.. you know it.. we are hot! LOL!! What a blast!


  1. That's hilarious, Viv! Great picture!


  2. Viv, that's too funny! It reminds me of the good times I USED to have. So that's the trick on how to look like that again. ha-ha.

    Have a fun weekend. Well I'm sure wherever you are you will. Hugs...Tracy :)

  3. LOL~you are too funny...sounds like good time! :) Hope you have a great weeken...oh and come say hi!

  4. That is soooooooo funny!!!

    I hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend sweet one ♥

  5. Awe Viv, you're such a cheeky monkey, as they would say in Britain. Looks like you had lot's of fun.


  6. ROFL!! How cute is this. LOVE IT!

  7. I love this photo! I read somewhere that if you put pics. of yourself the way you want to look, that it helps to get you there. It plants the seed and your energy will eventually get one there.

    I have a few photos that I wanted to photoshop and put around to have the 'seeing is believing' energy going for me. haha
