Sunday, September 27, 2009

fall acorns!

Oh what fun! needle felted acorns! I have little wire loops sticking out of them so they can be worn some how.. by someone.. most likely by a bear. We saw these at the country living show, and I just thought they were the most amazing little things.
Been busy this weekend; made a monster, a halloween raggedy.. (for a swap, cant show her yet!) and these little acorns.. today I went shopping and to a babyshower this afternoon. I was supposed to go to a pampered chef party this afternoon too.. but I cant do it all! (and I can afford any pampered chef stuff right now anyways!)___________________________________________________

Have you ever typed something to someone and hit send.. and then instantly thought.. maybe I shouldnt have...?? did that tonight. nothing bad.. or mean.. or anything like that.. just an opinion that might have been unwanted. and now.. i'm waiting for a reply with my fingers crossed that that person still LOVES me!! ___________________________________________________

Can you believe that sept is about over? My halloween swappers should be heading to the finish line this next week. I cant wait to see what everyone made! I'll be posting all their pictures before halloween.. just wait to see what they all made! Im excited!
I had to add these lines, because I couldnt get blogger to leave a space between my little paragraphs.. I had to keep coming back and editing the lines shorter and shorter.. and now I've just realized that the clock is wrong! I'm writing this at like 9:30- 9:50 pm.. and it says like 6:33 am.. thats crazy... never noticed that before!
One more thing, my friend Cindy at Thimbleprimstudio is hosting two swaps! go check them out!
well, Im a bit sick of the computer.. going to needle felt somemore!
hugs and goodnight all!


  1. Those acorns are adorable! I have acorn tops and I am planning on making clay ones.

    Sounds like you have been productive!

  2. Viv- I sure hope our dear friend E is ok, if you have her phone # can you check one her (;
    Your acorns are just darling. How do you think of these things. Hugs, Diane

  3. Viv, your acorns are the cutest those...yes, i have done the email thing numerous times...i haven't lost a friend yet...hope you have the same result!!!

    i hope blogger isn't doing that silliness tomorrow...i will be doing my junkin monday post and don't want any headaches...

  4. Hi Viv,
    You sure make the GREATES treasues. LOVE the Acorns :) You sure have LOTS of Talent.
    Deb :)

  5. They are so neat. I want one!! They would be neay lapel pins...Have a great week...m.

  6. Hmmm, I see earrings. Very cute.

  7. Love those needlefelted acorns. I always think needlefelting looks so soft and toouchable. Your monsters below are all adorable too.

  8. Hi there!
    I'm Mrs TWins, visiting you through Elizabeth Creative Breathing! Love your blog, I have been really interested to see what you ladies over there get up to! What a good time you are all having. Love how you celebrate Fall and Halloween.

  9. SWEeT acorns -- such talent--
    Yes blogger makes me crazy -- will not let me view pics in screen before I post -- and then at upload it comes out as numbers and letters -- very crazy and won't let me post anything as a link either -- WHo knows --tried to use their self help section -- gobbldy -gook --kathy - ga

  10. Really nice Viv!! They are so cute. I have a lot of trouble with spacing too in blogger.

  11. Those acorns are soo cute! Do they have real acorn tops on them? What a nifty idea... if I ever have you make me a bear, I think it will have to a fall bear. With this kind of acorn on it!

    I know exactly what you mean about writing, hitting send and feeling almost immediate regret. I had a similar situation a few months ago... like you said, nothing bad or unkind. Just an opinion that particular individual might not have agreed with. *gulp* I'm sure it will be ok though.. who could not love *you,* Viv dear? ♥

  12. so cute! and I love your monsters!! I think the email will be okay... I think we have all done that at least once

  13. Watch those fingers Viv ... one stab and you'll scream! I often wonder about all the side effects we receive from our crafts ... I'm having problems with stuffing elbow at the moment.
    Great post look forward to seeing the teddy with the acorn buttons!

  14. I LOVE LOVE LOVE these acorns! I was going to ask you to show me how to do them when me meet in June -- but we really must get together before next June!!!

  15. Ooops I sent such a quick comment! I hope you still love me even though my comment was cold and short (hee,hee..sound familiar?) Anyway, don't worry about the recipient of your e-mail. I'm sure they will respect what you had to say!

    Sandy xox
