Saturday, September 26, 2009

monsters in my house!

My very first monster! what do you think?
I have to make more now.....
and.. speaking of monsters....
Heres another one!
I think he's thinking I cant see him now!
Look at these little naughty monsters! I just cant disipline them well.. I say to them! "OH no! you naughty kittens... get off that counter and out of the oatmeal now.. come here you sweet little cutie pies.. (kiss kiss hug hug..) OMG youre just the cutest freaken little things? aww.. you want some oatmeal too? ok.. I'll give you some when its done! " but I have to say, they didnt want any once it was cooked!

Yippee its the weekend!
Todays agenda?
pUmpkin hunting..
monster making ...
cooking a turkey breast and butternut squash..
and some needle felting!
who knows what else!
toodles for now!


  1. Ooooooh! That monster is SOOOOO adorable, Viv! I got tickled over the tag you made him! LOL! But my FAVORITE monsters are Figgy & Fanny! You're RIGHT, you know! They ARE freakin' cute! They can get into my oatmeal box (or ANY of my stuff) anytime! Your plans for today sound FUN! I'm planning to start on November bd gifts! LOVE making pressies!

  2. We have two "freakin' cute" kitty type monsters at our house too... yes, we are keeping the little varmints. But seriously, they are the most adorable kittens ever- they are so cuddly and affectionate, Louisa said yesterday they are actually puppies in kitten form♥ I didn't know cats liked oatmeal though... thanks for the warning;)

  3. Those are the cuties monsters I've every seen!! Warm wishes, Esther

  4. lol! They are darling. I am alergic to cats but they are so darn cute to watch! They are always drawn to me. Never fails, I am the first one they come to and rub up against whenever we visit someone with cats. It's like they know.

  5. Your little handmade monster is adorable!! Your little trouble making monsters are really cute as well!! Happy Weekend xOxO Nerina :)

  6. Viv your darling monster makes me smile & so do those cutie kittens!

    Happy weekend!
    hoganfe handmade
    handbag originals

  7. Vivian, Your endless energy amazes me! Quite the cute monster! Have a great time at the patch! E

  8. Vivian,
    I LOVE your monster and the colors you made it in.
    Those kitties!! I LOVE your kitties! I love your pictures of them and I love being kept up to date on their latest adventures, especially when they are being naughty. : )
    Lots of love,

  9. Your monster is adorable! And I always love Fanny and Figgy.

  10. Your monster is adorable! And I always love Fanny and Figgy.

  11. Love your monster. Made me smile. :-)

    The oatmeal monsters made me laugh. LOL!! They are adorable.

  12. That monster is so cute! Scary cute! :O)
    You fold like a paper cup with your kitto's like I do with my dogs. LOL! They don't get on the counter, but Jester sure counter-surfs! Jasmine watches him. And he's been Busted (caught) a couple of times! I have photo proof of 1 time too!
    SO yeah- monsters DO exist! :O)

  13. Happy weekend! Your kittens are just so damn adorable!!! and your trip with Nat looked so fun. I am SOOO coming next year :)

  14. hee hee...i love how you discipline your kitties Viv...i am the same way...your monster is FABULOUS!!!

  15. They are so sweet. I wish I were near so I could play with them and craft with you...m..m

  16. VIV - wel sometimes our babies don't behave -- lol -- but the saying goes --There is no such thing as a bad kitty !!lol --
    So easy to love --even when they misbehave --
    MONSTER !!!!!-- How cute is "THAT " ??? TOO cute -- Good job as always -- Hugs Bunches !!-- Ps. Everyone loves my pinkeep -- ME TOO !! _Kathy - ga

  17. I wish I had two cute furry monsters at my house! They are adorable. I really like your felt monster too!!

  18. O Viv-so many sad things, not terrible, just sad. I lost my job 9/18 after 15 years and my co car to go with it. Fiance had lost job 4/29. Wedding was to be 9/21 on my 49th :( birthday. Looks like it could be 12/14 with any luck. We did just recently get jobs-he starts 10/5 and I start 10/12. My blogs, Flickr, Facebook, hotmail and etsy are all on vacay. I am just too stressed at the moment and still have to coordinate a move in the next few weeks. I was also distressed about an extremely hurtful comment in an art group, and dropped out of most. It wasn't a criticism so much-I can take that-but a nasty insinuation. Anyway, I need to grow thicker skin, but it is kind of worn down right now.

    Thanks for checking in. I hope happier days are ahead.

  19. Those kitties sure look cute it would be hard to get upset with them. My puppy will eat the oatmeal when it is cooked! Hugs, Diane

  20. Love you handmade monster Viv! But your little furry ones are adorable too!

  21. I adore your kittens also! I had a seal point when i was a little girl.
    I came via Creative Breathing :) Your writing is also wonderful!

    Hugs, Mary
