Thursday, July 26, 2012

HALLOWEEN SWAP ANNOUCEMENT..( no, its not to early!)

OK Ive not hosted a swap in a long time.. but with halloween coming up Im feeling the witch itch!  So, Ive decided to go ahead and start a halloween swap!  It will be a witches hat swap!  everyone will have one partner and you will each swap a witches hat, handmade or altered by you, that you have filled up with other halloween trinkets and collectables!  Sort of like a christmas stocking.. only it will be a witches hat. 
I'm starting early because I want the mail out date to be October 1st. That will give us time for sign ups and a few days for me to get partners together and notified.  Then you will have 6 weeks or so to get your projects finished and to find fun things to fill it with. 
OK..  My number one rule for swaps is that everything should be so awesome that you want to keep it for yourself!  I think thats simple enough. 
swap sign ups start now.. please email me at   send your full name and address,  youre email address and your blog address or where to find pictures of  your past creations.  also please pass on the info, post it on your blogs and send people to sign up!  the more the merrier! or should I say the more the scarier!  heehee!  okeedokie.. I hope lots of you sign up!  I'll be looking for you in my emails!


  1. Cackle...cackle...count me in. I can't wait to see what you create...ha.....smiles...Renee

  2. I wish I had time to do this but I will be excited to see what everyone comes up with- Blessings- xo Diana

  3. Oh Viv sounds spookrific!! Looking forward to this swap! I will follow up with an email.


  4. Yes! I will be emailing you as well! =D

  5. Viv, count me in. I'm ready for a little halloween treat!!

  6. Can't do this one - sigh - I know it'll be wonderful since I've been in some of your swaps before. Will look forward to seeing what everyone makes! Love Halloween and this sounds like such a fun theme!
    xo Jane

  7. I sent the email and heard back already....just remember I am not an artist, just a paper please act accordingly.. :)LOL LOL


  8. I'm IN Viv! I'm going to get going on it right away! :)

  9. I'm the Queen of Halloween. Please include me in this swap!

  10. Oh girlie, You SCARED me::) Have a blessed day and weekend, HUGS!

  11. Of my, of course I' in! I'll follow up with an e-mail... Loooooveee Halloween!



  12. Oh Viv! How fun - I'm in! I'm emailing you right now!

  13. I would love to do this. I will follow up with an email.

  14. Hey Viv!
    This one seems alittle too much for me at this time, but if you host a Halloween tag or ornament, please keep me in mind.

    My kids are 9 and 6 (Nicolai will be 7 in Sept) and they're the perfect age for baking and crafting. They actually make things that come out looking like something! haha!

    I'm going to do a massive destash of art supplies and such. It's so much work and time posting on Etsy and Ebay. In my mind, I'm posting 5-10things a day; in reality, it's more like once a week! But, I need space and money. Good old health insurance has sky-rocketed and both kids had their first eye doctor appt today. And I needed new lenses. So, I'm willing to part with practically anything!

    Have fun on this swap!

  15. Vivian, your beach posts are getting cutter by the year! And those brownies, OMG delish! Sign me Spooky Witch, I'm in! E

  16. This sounds like way too much fun, Vivian! I've been wanting to do a witch's hat for awhile now. I've just emailed you. : )

  17. woo hoo count me in!! I so love Halloween!

  18. You crack me up Vivian! (Although, a plastic pumpkin full of candy does sound fabulous right about now.... *sigh*)
    big hugs,

  19. I wish I had time! I'll think about it, but have to be realistic. If I don't I will absolutely love seeing what everyone comes up with. and, by the way, I LOVE your profile picture. I must have never seen it before, but when I clicked on a comment from you on another blog this picture was next to it and it is so wonderful!!

  20. Hi Viv, I have a question for you. I am wanting to try my hand at some halloween decorations and was wondering what kind of clay do you use? You sent me some wonderful cupcake toppers and it looks like they were made of clay. And did you have to bake the clay after it was finished?
    Thanks so much,
