Monday, July 30, 2012

the cat days of summer...

YOuve heard of the dog days of summer... 
but what about the cat days of summer? lol..
cat days of summer 1 
so I was off from work for 9 full days and what did I do you may ask?  I would have to answer... a whole lot of nothing!  I shopped.. I puttered.. I complained that I shouldnt have taken the week off with out something fun to do planned.. and I decided that if I ever take another week off to just stay home, I must first send everyone else away! LOL!   People just annoy me sometimes..
 cat days of summer 2
Dont get me wrong.. I LOVE all my people.  but I really was craving just to be totally alone.  still am really.  But its all good, I relaxed and puttered.  and you know, I love to putter.  and it was nice just not to have to go to work.  I really didnt create much.  I had planned on doing somethings.. but it just didnt happen.   I did make this seashell wreath, but I didnt do that until the last day!! 

 seashell wreath 1wreath 2wreath 3wreath 4
NOw.. its time to kick it into high gear because the wedding is in 18 days!  OMG...  where is that fairy God mother!?  I have stuff to do!!
 wreath 5 
After the wedding... summer will be almost over...  
what a strange summer its been.  
sooooo... as for the halloween swap.. wow!  so far I have 18 girls signed up.. 19 counting myself!  thats great!  Im excited about it.  hopefully we'll get a few more.  I'll keep it open at least the rest of this week.
 OH!  and just so you know, Ive pretty much visited everyone on my side bar and on my readers list... but have not left messages over the weekend!  but know I was there!!!
love yas!


  1. Viv- I hear you- I remember taking time off with nothing planned and NOTHING was what got done. I took early retirement in November and I have been so busy I still haven't gotten anything done- xo Diana

  2. This is the first time in 12 years that I have taken more than a long weekend off work. And usually it was for some event. Right now I am on vacation and will have been gone from work almost 3 weeks! And the only thing planned was to help take care of a new baby. Not too bad! Enjoy working on the wedding!!


  3. Your shell wreath is divine. So are your kitties. I'm not ready to rush away summer...I loath juggling the girls school routines with my work... but the idea of playing with Halloween crafts does sound mighty fun!! Best wishes with the wedding preparations!!

  4. Puttering is fun, but I hear ya with sending everyone away if you're going to have time off! Last vacation was more work than anything, and I have another at the end of summer school coming up...think I may have to plan to go away this time! Summer is flying right by!....xo

  5. Alone time is good sometimes:) Have a blessed and restful day, HUGS!

  6. I have that same doily that's behind your seashell wreath. I think Aunt Eileen made it--at least I got it from her; someone else could have made it. I love pieces like that.


  7. thinkin of you darlin Viv. Hope all is well, sorry you didn't have the off time you would have dreamed of. maybe next time. You really deserve it after all the stuff going on in your life. i am thinking of you and have you in my prayers. Mica @ the Child's paper
