Saturday, August 30, 2014

first things first!  look what came in my mail this week!  This awesome mary englebriet beach themed mug!   Sent from a dear bloggy pal,  Sandy McClay!  Thank you so much Sandy, soooo sweet of you to think of me!!! And such a perfect mug!  I love it!
Can you believe that it is labor day weekend already?  The unofficial end of summer..  boohoo!   Im not ready to say good bye yet.  Im not ready to pack up all my beachy stuff..  or to clean all the beach chairs, umbrellas, toys, towels and sand out of the trunk of my car!  there is a lot of sand in my trunk.  Even though this summer hasnt had the bestest weather, I feel totally content with the number of days Ive gotten to the beach.  And, even though its labor day weekend, Im pretty sure there will be a couple more beach appropriate days!    even in cooler weather.. a sweatshirt on the beach is still ok with me!  

Yesterday I had Torry all day while his mommy and daddy were at work.  So we packed up and headed to the beach at 11:00 am and stayed there til after 5:00!    We met a dear family friend and her 5 little red heads there. The cutest and most well behaved kids ever!  A last minute plan, which could not have turned out any more perfectly.

Jeanna (with me above) pretty much grew up at our house, she was my daughter Jen's best friend all through middle and highschool.  someone Ive always loved dearly, just like one of my own.  And now, I seriously love her bunch!   its like red head heaven!  

And, Torry had THE NEST TIME EVER!  He laughed and played and was so happy and I bet he slept like a rock last night! lol!  5 or 6 hours of playing and running on the beach has got to be pretty tiring!  And not a single fight, or disagreement between any of them.  They even played with other kids on the beach.  It really was a perfect day.

And so today.. its going to be another nice day.  Supposed to be muggy and hot later.  Im going to have little Violet pie all day and into the evening.   Ha!  I'm the one who will be the exhausted one tonight! lol!  I will probably take her shopping for a while today.  Maybe we'll go for a ride and stop to see Marla and Lilli!   We'll see.  

I did manage to make another little halloween friend this past week.  I have so many things in my head...dying to get out!  but.. I really need to start on those two big bear orders.  probably tomorrow since its supposed to rain.  ONce I get them all cut out.. Im good to go!  
As for Labor day.  Im about to make some phone calls this morning to check with all my kiddos to see if they are game for a lake picnic! (of course!)  I do think everyone is off that day.  Okeedokie.. I think thats all for now my friends.   
I know.. I write long boring posts..   but Im so glad you all come and read them anyways!  love to all my bloggy friends!


  1. Boring? NOT! Love your posts. Seeing the kids all playing at the beach reminds me of my childhood. Mom took us to the beach as much as possible. You are making great memories for all of them!

    Love your pumpkins guy, he is so adorable and creative. Have a fun weekend! We leave to go camping in a little while. :) Pam

  2. A day at the beach sounds like a dream! Everyone looks so happy!
    Awesome pumpkin guy! I always love your felt creations.
    Enjoy the long weekend.

  3. Enjoy the weekend. Love the sneak peeks on IG. Darling beach pics. Love the mug too.

  4. Have a wonderful long weekend Viv. and last hurrah of summer. That mug is perfect for you!

  5. Hey, I like to hear about your boring (not!) life. You do so much more grandbaby sitting than we do. I would be wiped out! Anyways, I hope you have a great weekend. (It's raining here in IN today, hopefully nice tomorrow.)

    I love that pumpkin guy you made. I'm in the mood to make some Halloween stuff. Do you know of any good swaps coming up? I'm in the mood to do some of that too! LOL!

  6. Never boring. Ever! Love hearing about your days, seeing what you're making, everything!Have a great labor day weekend! Maggie

  7. Sweatshirt days at the beach, can't think of anything sweeter. Of course, I live in Colorado, no beaches in sight! Just remembering a fine vacation years ago in Nantucket.

  8. We've had a couple of cool-ish mornings lately - ready for Fall! Love your pumpkin guy & the pix of all those cute kiddies!

  9. LOVE that cup:) What a sweet gift from your friend! Those are some happy kiddos playing in the water! Refreshing on these hot days! Enjoy your day dear Viv, whatever you do! HUGS!

  10. Love the latest Halloween guy/girl!!! Have fun at the beach tomorrow. It is hot here. In the low to mid 90s with humidity!!! HOT!!! It is suppose to be this way all week!!! Not fair, I am ready for cooler temps. Have a great week!

  11. Hi Viv!!!! I am coming back slowly from my blogging break! Your posts NEVER bore me because I am connected to my family/kiddos like you are, too. I love getting little peeks at your life. Love your new little Halloween guy, too.

    Hope you had a wonderful Labor Day with your family- xo Diana
