Sunday, August 24, 2014

Here Kitty Kitty Kitty!!

 Another week gone by... time sure does fly.  I had friday off and spent time with Princess Marla, Lillipie and Tiffany.  we went to joanns, where we found this amazing kitty skeleton.  I didnt buy it though.. but Im not sure why I didnt.  I had a 50% off coupon.  I need to go back to get it.   They have it marked at 40.00 which is just ridiculous.  anyways.. Im sure bony neroni and bonitia neroni would love to have a bony pet!

They are waiting patiently in a closet upstairs for their time to shine..  I do think they need to have a kitten of their own!

During the week, I made a grumpy little halloween kitten...  I just needed to do a little halloween crafting before I get started on two big bear orders.  I wish I could say that its totally out of my system and that I am ready to roll on those bears.. but I cant say that.. I have more halloween brewing in my brain! lol...
but I do need to start those bears. and there truly is a lot of time before halloween for halloween crafting.  
Im so obsessed ....  
OH well.. in other news.. I am not feeling well.. I seem to have come down with a nasty cough and summer cold.  I never sleep during the day but after being out all day yesterday with Jennifer, I came home freezing and put sweats on curled up under a blanket on the couch at 5:00!  fell asleep and woke up sweating..  stayed like that all night ... hot.. cold.. hot.. cold..   and though I was lying down from 5:00 til 7:00 this morning.. I slept very little.  couldnt breath.. and kept coughing.  I really wanted to go to the beach today.  its going to be perfect weather for a beach day.. but its probably not a great idea.  tomorrow is supposed to be nice too (though not as nice as today), so maybe I'll stay home today and cut out bears..  then hopefully I'll feel well enough to go to the lake tomorrow. 
fingers crossed!!  
I suppose that if I felt well enough later, I could still go today.....  
ehh.. probably not though.
okeedokie.. Im off.. gotta run the vacuum or clean the birdcage.. or do something constructive! 
Happy Sunday girlie pies!


  1. Oh my your kitty is so cute! Feel better! Angela

  2. Take good care of yourself!!! I do think that skeleton kitty needs to come home with you. Love your latest creation. She's just precious.

  3. The kitty is too stinkin cute to steal your phrase!! Feel better soon!!!

  4. I hope you are feelling better! No fun to be sick in the summer. ALWAYS LOVE your felt creations!

  5. I've got the Halloween crafting bug you too. Just love your kitty, but not the bony one, creepy, lol!

    Ugh, the summer colds & flus are the worst. Take it easy and feel better. :)

  6. Oh no! So sorry you're not feeling well! Hope you feel better right away.

    Your grumpy kitty is so adorable, love her!

    Happy crafting! xo

  7. Look at that kitty! I wish I knew how to sew like that.
    Hope you're feeling better. Sweats under big cozy blankets is the next best thing to being snowed in, wrapped in a quilt, with a huge mug of hot cocoa!

  8. Hello Viv :) I've been noticing You and I comment on so many of the same blogs.Where ever I visit I notice You have already been there :) I do know I have been following You for ages but haven't visited lately,thought I should drop by.I hope by now Your feeling better and able to do something fun.Denise

  9. Always love to see what your up to in the crafting department. So talented!

    Sure hope your feeling better.

  10. Oh here kitty kitty:) Sweetness all around you dear Viv! I love seeing all of your PIES:) Have a blessed weekend dear friend, HUGS!
