Thursday, October 20, 2016

a very quick good morning to you!

ohh.. blogland.. how I love you!   its all love and sunshine over here.  and when there are issues we deal with them sweetly among us don't we?  oh but then there is face book.  I had to run from there this morning.   tooo. much. political. bull. 
I'm so glad we keep that out of here.  or at least where I visit, there is none.   And I wont bring it here today. .  just saying that I'm grateful for my bloggy friends that keep it sweet and drama free!   xoxox!

Of course I'm over here surrounded by Halloween stuff.  lots and lots of it.  was thinking about what makes it all so special.  Most of my collection is handmade by myself or friends.   I do have a bunch of Bethany Lowe  and Lori Mitchel store bought stuff and some other trinkety store bought pieces.. but most of this crazy collection you cant find anywhere else.  I like that. 

Its the same for all my holiday collections of STUFF!  

speaking of other holidays...   there are only 9 weeks til Christmas!  5 paydays for me...  66 days!  but I'm not really thinking about that yet...     lol!  not until after Halloween.. then its full steam ahead!  lol!  OK.. just a quick stop in.. I have to get ready for work.  
have a happy happy day lovies! 
ps... thanksgiving..  cant forget about thanksgiving!  thats only 35 days from now.. just so you know.  heehee!



Theresa said...

Oh honey, you have the CUTEST decorations:) Have a blessed and beautiful day dear Viv, HUGS!

Susie said...

Viv, you have so many unusual things. I know a kid would want to touch it all. LOL. I probably would also. Blessings to you and yours, xoxo, Susie

Lynn said...

I wish I could get the pic of the shelves to enlarge! Love your Bride of Frankenstein:@)

Stephanie said...

Thinking about Thanksgiving here. I love it so much. Determined to have my kitchen/dining room spruced up before then. Determined! Steph

Oliva Ohlson said...

Holy guacamole!!! Your Halloween treasures are adorable and so many!!! You are one talented Lady and I love it that most it is one of a kind!

Can't wait for this election to be over... Pleeze!

Margaret said...

I completely agree! In blog land my world (for this season) is all orange and black and Halloweeney! Not politics and blah blah blah! I want to be a happy gal! Love you Viv! You make me smile every day!

donna said...

It is so much fun to make your own decorations. I love the lady and her eye balls. You are so creative my dear. Hope you have a great day.

Marlynne said...

So much inspiration! I'd like to stop right now and create!

Laura said...

I love your uniqueness...and I really adore those little grand baby figurines you created so darn cute!..Someday you will call me a copycat :)

Anonymous said...

such beautiful Halloween collection you have,, I love it all!!!
I have a love hate relationship with Facebook,, lol,, it keeps drawing me back though, lol,,

Lori said...

Such a fabulous Halloween collection, Viv! So much fun. You're right, all the political stuff can be a downer - it's great to just enjoy each other's goodies!

Cheryl said...

I LOVE, LOVE your blog and all the wonderful decorations you do for every holiday!
I also have too much stuff - but I love it all- it makes me happy and as I am fond of saying- no one is starving at my house!(so I can buy this stuff). Going to the big antique show at the Expo in Portland, Oregon this weekend- more stuff here we come!
:o) Cheryl

Patti said...

Love the vintage vintage Halloween you have. So cute. I don't like the scary new stuff AT ALL. It gives me the creeps. I'm looking forward to decorating for Christmas.

Pam~ Virginia Retro said...

Your cottage home is so cute and your Halloween decorations are the best! Love your fun spooky spirit! Yes, more skelies. :)