YIppee!! I couldnt be happier.. its finally friday! and, its easter weekend. My plan is to stay home and create, clean, putter and cook! though I do have to admit, that I'm dying to go to the broadway market in buffalo.. but, I dont need anything.. I know if I happen to find myself there, I would have to buy a butter lamb and some flowers.. maybe some sausage.. but.. I can get all those things close to home too.. and, I dont need any of them.. I wish I didnt always have the urge to run to see what I can see.. what little treasures I can find.. what sweet little trinkets and trims I can use in some creation.. I already have so much! but ... I can always use more! but.. I'm going to try to convince myself NO.. NO NO NO.. to stay at home and relax.... uh.. i dont really have any easter gifts for my boys though.. but they dont want anything.. just money.. I guess I could fill eggs with cash! ha! wouldnt it be funny to make they search for eggs with their names on them? I dont think they would appreciate it.. but I'm going to consider doing it anyways.. a mothers got to have a little fun sometimes! I cant help it they all grew up and left me behind!! I dont think I've grown up yet....and, do I really have too?
SOmetimes.. I dont have to go any further then my mailbox to find treasures.. IN fact in the last two years since I've been blogging, Ive found so many wonderful awesome treasures in my mailbox! I dont know if ive told you or not that I have a bunch of idols out here in blog and flickr lands.. really, a bunch of them! most of you know who you are.. because ive told you over and over that youre my idols! some of you dont know.. 'cause Ive failed to mention it to you.. but in anycase.. one of my idols is Debrina.. and she also loves my little bears, so we did a couple swaps.. and today I recieved these oh so very wonderful pieces of art from her.... just let me say.... I was squealing with delight! pure delight I tell ya!
(Look even her tags are precious! )
I could do a post everyweek and highlight one of my idols.. that would keep me busy for a long time! there really are so many.. Brenda.. Mica... Lori... Flora...Melissa (tootie), Whendi, Grace, cindy, Jenny, Elaine, Kecia... and the list goes on and on... heres a picture that has artwork from several of my wonderful artist friends!
Ive been lucky enough to acquire quite a sweet little collection of artwork from so many of you! and I have to say I love every bit of it! all the easter ornaments, prints, paintings, jewelry, valentines ornaments, snowman, christmas ornaments, dolls, bears, atcs, birds in nests, collaborative books, aprons and PInkeeps! and more!!
and, with each piece of art, comes a little piece of the artist and alot of inspiration for me!
anyways.. I certainly am just rambling on tonight arent I?

In other news... this old boy.. age 15.. (jaspers son!) had to go to the vets today.. needed some dental work, two teeth pulled.. and part of a tumor under his tongue removed.. didnt know that was there. The vet said he couldnt get all of it as it is rooted into his tongue.. with out removing half of his tongue, and due to his age thats not a good option for him.. (ya think!) anyways, the vet said, it will grow back but he doesnt know how long it will take. but basically he said probably only a few months. poor marmalade. he seems to be doing ok though! you know what they say.. "Chin up.. stiff upper lip!" and Im not going to worry about it yet.
so.. happy Friday.. Happy saturday and Happy EAster!! and I'm off for now!