I'm so BUSY...my head is spinning.. (do you remember that song, I'm so dizzy my head is spinning? ) thats how I feel! all good stuff though. This past weekend I saw alot of family, my sister came up from MO and spent the weekend here and my mom and aunts and lots of cousins were in the area for my grammies burial service. (remember she died a while back, but they had her cremated and brought her here to be buried in cattarugus where my grandpa is buried. Anyways it was great to see everyone. I miss my family. We are all so far away from each other. And allllll so very interesting.. if not a bit eccentric! anyways it was a wonderful service for my grammie.
NOw Ive got bethanys baby shower this coming weekend. ANd I have no idea what Im doing!! I guess thats not true, I have plans.. lets just see if I can pull it all together! LOL.. I have been in a true mental fog! totally unfocused and forgetful.. not sure why.. but thats the case. I have some special things I want to make (cant say what, because Bethany reads my blog), gifties to wrap for prizes, and who knows what else to do.. I have a few lists that I'm working off of. There will be about 70 people including us there. I just want it to be a nice time for everyone. I wish I didnt have to work.. I need lots of time to get ready. Hubbys out of town and wont be home until sunday. So he will miss the shower and my 50th! see how he is??? (smart man!!)
anyways, just wanted to pop in and say hi. I have to go brush my toothies and make some popcorn and head off to work.
have a great day all..