I'm Back! what a wonderful trip. a little bit of visiting and a whole lot of nothing but relaxing on the ocean. Every day at the ocean was so fresh and beautiful. waking up each day with waves crashing right outside of our balcony, waiting for the sun to come up.. was nothing short of heavenly.
We visited my dad and step mom, only for a day, but it was sooooo good to see them. I love them and miss them so much.
(those sunrises.... breathtaking!)
I went with my cousin Michelle. we haven't hung out together since we were kids. We have always been known to have some pretty good laughs together.. and that never changed. We laughed so hard a few times we were snorting and tooting! (I snorted.. she tooted! LOL!) she had Laughing GAS!. Umm.. she would kill me for telling you that. but I don't think she knows I have a blog. lol! but just in case.... ( Michelle.. it was hysterical... and I love you cuz!) Not kidding we laughed so hard one night that I'm surprised someone didn't knock on our door to check on us. or to tell us to be quiet. SERIOUSLY.. We are both LOUD laughers!

we walked the beach a couple times a day.. I don't know how to explain the feeling I get at the ocean or even at the lake.. its is a total "sigh" . I do believe that it is the only time and place that I ever fully relax. and that is exactly what we did. we both needed it. just vegging out.. staring off into the ocean, soaking up the warm sunshine.. .while it snowed and was like 28 back here.. it was 75 to 85 there each day. We could not have picked a better week to go.
we spend a couple nights at my moms. it rained on Saturday, so we went shopping for alcohol.. lol! and tried on hats at walmart! lol! I think I look a little snobby in this picture! but isn't my mommy cute in the pic below with Michelle!?
The survived the flights.. and I can still honestly say, I do not like flying. not sure when I'll get the nerve up again. but I'm glad I went. Our flight out on Friday morning was cancelled. Supposedly the crew didn't show up.. I don't know about that. anyways, they put us all up at the Hampton inn for the night, gave us 100.00 vouchers to fly with them again and also an 8.00 food voucher to use at the airport... you can get an ice tea and a muffin at the airport for 8.00. lol! anyways we got home Saturday morning. It was good to be home!
But I have to admit I miss this view from our balcony every morning.
When I got home I didn't waste much time in going to visit all my grandpies! You would think I had been gone for months I couldn't wait to see them all! lol!
and speaking of grandpies.... Our new grand daughter will be coming into this world a week from today.. Tiffany's having a C section next Tuesday morning! I am so excited to meet my next little princess pie! no name chosen yet.
OK.. I guess I should get ready to go to work.. have a lovely day all!