This weekend went by sooo fast! After last week and all the hustle getting ready for and then having Jens bridal shower, today was perfect really.. except a truly perfect day involves the beach. i guess there are different kinds of Perfect days! Today I was home alone must of the day and night and I puttered. I didnt have to cook because I had lots of left overs for the shower.
did I even tell you what we served yesterday? oh let me get side tracked for just a minute and tell you! we had, pasta, sauce and meatballs (made by the very italian trupo girls!) italian bread, chicken salad, the kind with grapes and almonds in it, served on fresh croissants. We had seafood salad in little puff pastries, a huge tossed salad with lots of special yummies in it, and a fresh fruit salad with cantaloupe, honey dew, watermelon, strawberries and pineapple and red grapes. And before we served all of that, we had a warm taco dip, chicken wing dip, cheese, pepperoni and crackers and choc covered cream puffs for people to munch on when they first got there. Then of course to top it all off, we had a half choc, half white cake with raspberry filling and butter creme frosting. uh.. WAY too much food. we all took home left overs and I'm sure none of us had to cook today.. and maybe not tomorrow either!

OK.. so anyways.. today was perfect.. I just puttered! I finished my patriotic ornies and wrapped them all pretty. I got out all my summery decorations and redecorated .. (uhg! I have the HICCUPS!!) This always takes me most of the day. I may tweak things a little the next couple days, but I love doing that. I also ended up making a patriotic banner today too. I'll try to remember to take a picture of it in the morning. And, I cleaned up my craft room. Thats about it. I never did get to my bedroom, other then just to make the bed and get dressed. It is a MESS!
OH! and I went for a little bike ride.. did you see my bike pictures above? Did you notice the streamers? Im like a 10 year old! I love them! My dear friend, Barbara Burkard (123lavenderlollipoplane) made them for me! I knew she was up to something, but i had no ideawhat it was! They came in the mail yesterday and I have to tell you I am totally tickled by them. Barb is one of the first people I met on line, she was my very first swap partner! Thank you sooo much Barb! I just have to meet you in person someday!
Isnt figgy gorgeous? I had to take a picture of something blue for a 30 day photograph challenge Im in.. I thought his eyes would be the perfect something blue! arent they? ha! and do you think he might like to go on a bike ride with me? If I wasnt afraid of losing him, id try! lol!
OK.. One more thing before I sign off for the night.. June 16th is my 4 year blogaversary! so I Have a little package all ready wrapped up and ready to mail out to someone! I'm doing a little blogaversary give away. I'll include everyone who comments between now and wednesday and I will draw a winner on wednesday when I get home from work!
I think thats all for tonight. I really need to get rid of these hiccups!! sweet dreams all! and have a great start to your week!