Well, we had a great thanksgiving. Most everyone was here. We ate a lot.. a few of them actually go somewhere else to eat before they come here and eat again! lol! I dont know how they do that. I was so stuffed. There was a lot of food and everyone went home with left overs. I really dont think any of the little kids ate... accept for marshmellow rice krispis that I made for them, because I was pretty sure they wouldnt eat pie! lol!

Now that thanksgiving is past, Christmas is On! I've been working on christmas projects for a while really, but finally this weekend I started decorating. The Kitchen and bathroom are done and the living room is almost done. The tree went up last night, but I'll work on decorating it later. Garlands still need to go up, maybe later today. As for the outside.. I'll do it when the mood strikes me. There is still a lot of stuff upstairs that I'm not going to use this year.. I have too much stuff! well at least I say that. If I could get my bedroom and craftroom cleaned up some of it might get used.. we'll see.. lol!

So I thought Id show you these photos. Ive been busy the past couple months making christmas elves. A friend of mine has been hosting a big christmas open house in her barn for the last 20 years with a bunch of artists and she has been bugging me for years to make elves for it. So this year I finally did! I made about 25 elves altogether and sold everyone. the few that didnt sell there, other friends bought. and I actually have to make two more. A nice way to make some extra money and I like making them. But like anything else.. after you sit and make a bunch.. you do sort of get a little tired of them. But they really are so cute!

Ive been making elves for longer then Ive been making bears. I would guess about 25 years. maybe longer. They started out as ugly little woodsmen. Its funny, because some people absolutely love them and some really dont! You should see them when I make a bunch of heads and body parts and have them all in a pie plate to go in the oven! lol! We always joke about me "cooking body parts again"! lol!
There are elves all around my house for christmas. I think I'm going to make myself a couple more though. I LOVE the reindeer fabric on the one aboves apron and I need to have one like that! A friend just made me a rag quilt using that fabric in it. I'll have to post a picture of it next time. sooo cute!
So for today.. I think I'm taking Marla birthday shopping. Her party is next sunday. Can you believe she is going to be 5 on 12/28? and Torry will be 6! Tiff is celebrating Marlas birthday early this year. a great idea i think. Torrys birthday is on the 8th and Bethanys is the 6th. Im trying to start a tradition to take each one of my pies out shopping to pick out their birthday presents.
OK.. Ive blabbed on enough here. I guess I should go work on bears or elves.... I want to have everything finished this week and in the mail! 5 bears to go!
Have a great Sunday!