oh boy... I haven't been here in a couple weeks. Been busy busy busy! worked on the craft room a lot, then on the new guest/den room (the old craft room), we through a large benefit for a coworker with breast cancer and raised over 7000.00 for her, had two birthday parties, and then I was sick this past week.. Anyways.. here I is! lol! I have had a few minutes here and there to play in my craft room with valentine goodies and I made this valentine garden the other morning with all my precious little people in it. isn't it cute!?

I also made these two doggie valentines. I used the first dog in some valentines last year too. Hes just too cute. I didn't make these for anyone special, they are just out in my kitchen. I do need to get busy making some valentines though for my little pies! I think I'm going to make them up some little goodie bags with popcorn, choc milk straws, fruit snacks or raisins or something.. and will dress everything up in little valentines pics.. rather then giving them candy.. maybe give them some sticker books or something also. I'm sure their parents will appreciate them not having candy... but we'll see what happens when I actually get right down to it! lol!

I also have been working on putting my packages together for the valentine swap I hosted . I had two partners actually, because I kept my friend Martha in Canada and I also had Shirley! so that was fun and my packages went in the mail yesterday. I just hope Martha's gets to her by Valentines day. I'll be posting as many pics as get sent to me of what the girls did for each other. They've all been doing a great job from what I can tell so far!
Do you like my little valentine swan piece? these swans used to be storks! lol! I had made them for Vanessa's sprinkle as cupcake toppers a few years ago. I pulled their legs off and curved their necks and tada! swans! now I just need a cute vintage swan valentine. I searched but could only find Victorian ones and that isn't what I want. so for now the little heart valentine behind them works well.. in fact, that little heart was in the package that Shirley sent me! (which I will show you when I post the rest.)

Here's a photo of one of the birthday girls from this weekend! Miss Scarlet turned 2! how crazy is that? I feel like she was just born. Lol! do you remember when I didn't have any grand children? that really wasn't that long ago.. now I have SIX and two Steps! Anyways.. Scarlet is a hoot! shes a nut.. she makes us laugh and shes very busy. she has time for a very quick hug and kiss and then shes off to spin and play. she loves to spin.. she likes to be dizzy! I guess I did too when I was little. lol! the other birthday, was her mommy's birthday, Vanessa. they share the same birthday! so we did scarlets birthday party on Saturday and then we had Vanessa's birthday at our house on Sunday evening. so hard to keep up with them all! lol!!
And then there's this little Lilliana.. she's the cuddler.. she'd rather cuddle then play.. and is very happy to climb up and put her thumb in her mouth and cuddle forever! and then she'll look up at you and say, "I wuv you".
God I love all my grand babies so much..
but you all already know that.. don't you!
Have a great Thursday bloggy pies!
I gotta go get ready for work..