(EDIT: girls I did not make this little bear. I had collected all the littlest gund bears at one time and I have a ton of them. But I dont have them displayed anymore, because I have so many more that I like so much better, that are either artist miniatures, ones that I made or some that are just really special to me.. These little gunds are cute, but they are all the same and they are great on pinkeeps and in some other art work. so .. NO, I did not make the little bear! Just thought I should let you know that.)
Look how freaken cute they are!
they are getting so big...
I have got to get off this computer~
I have got to get sewing on these bear orders, I have 17 to make.
One order for 12 the other for 5. I'll be sure to post their pictures when they are finished. I have the 12 all cut out, i just need to get off the computer, plug in the sewing machine and get busy! But first I have to eat dinner.. just left overs.. but good ones.. I made homemade chicken cordon blu, mashed potatos and corn last night! yummy leftovers!
OK, so Off I go.. hi hohiho!