oh my goodness... you must be wondering what ever did she have for breakfast this morning..
I guess I just got a bit carried away! (btw.. cinnamon toast and choc milk is the answer...)
i just have to tell you that I got up early at 5:45. I didnt have to leave for work until 8:30. almost 3 hours later.. Plenty of time to get ready for work! but no.. what does this nut case do? first plays with the kittens, then fiddles with a project I've been working on for vanessa's madhatter teaparty for this saturday... then does the dishes.. after the dishes were done, I still had over an hour to get ready for work.... but then something strikes my fancy and next thing you know I'm playing with this little fairy taking these pictures and back on the computer making up some silly story... God only knows why.. but I was having fun.... then... when I'm finished I look at the clock... and good grief! its 8:15! And I had someone picking my up in 15 minutes or less, cause my car was still in the shop! So I flew... like a wild woman... ironed a pair of capris, and a top, jumped into the shower.. shaved... did my face.... blew dried most of my hair... dressed... and my friend pulled up as I was finishing up by brushing my teeth... YEs... I am amazing!!!!!!!
tomorrow.. getting ready for work before I get playing............
night 'all
I am so glad you are feeling better. I loved the other post about the hummingbird..m.
....I heard strains of...
WONDER WOMAN.....! and pictured you in her costume...hee hee...
You are so funny!
You know Violet will want to play tomorrow... and so will the kitties.
So many wonderful distractions in life!
Viv, you must have waaaaaay more energy than i do in the morning!!!
I am glad you are feeling better!
I love the little fairy and getting ready in 15 minutes...you my dear are a Rock Star for getting ready that quickly!!!
Glad you are moving at the speed of light again! You must be feeling better. I love the little fairy in your planter. I am killing myself just trying to keep out plats alive - record 104 yesterday and same is projected for today...ugggh
Girl you should be in the olympics -- trying aout for sprinting -- Or SUMPIN " lol -- Kathy - ga
if I woke up that early I'd need a nap again before work! ha!
you are talented! you have the cutest things on your blog!
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