Im still not feeling 100%, but at least I didnt sleep all day. I sat around though, and puttered a little.. I didnt do any thing constructive.. well, except the dishes.

At about 1:30 I thought "OMG... I'm starving" and I thought I wanted something with some real flavor. so I order this buffalo chicken finger sub and had it delivered. heehee.. I even ordered a large! Well, as good as it looked, I only ate about a 1/4 of it. I m sure it was better then it tasted to me, in fact someone in my family will be sure to enjoy it! I'm starting to feel a little hungry again now.. but nothing tastes good.

oh.. and thanks for all the get well wishes!
HUgS and good night!
Viv, I'm SO HAPPY to see this post! I was trying to decide if I should email or just send out the Marines to check on you! LOL! Seriously, the fact that you felt a bit hungry is a GOOD sign! And your two little caretakers are getting cuter by the day! I'm sending you big, big, big get-well hugs! LOVE YOU!
happy to hear you are on the mend, viv dear... i'm sure having the kitties nearby helped your immune system fight off those nasty ole germs, mmhhmm.
Those eyes are just too cute and your little kitty friend:) You should write in to The Cat Art Gallery, and tell about your kitties and artwork!(Check my blog for ink).
And the teddy on the pinkeep- very sweet.
Glad you're feeling better-See, I told you it only lasted a short while- the rest is just like a cold.
PS- that would be "check my blog for link" not ink-haha
I do appreciate the beauty of your cat.. but i don't really like cats
Your little bear couldn't be much cuter! I am so glad to hear you are feeling better...I hate being sick in the summer...come and visit my blog, I gave you a little "shout out"...
Stay Cozy & Well, Carrie
I'm gonna come steal those kitties--they are too stinkin' cute!
Wow- what a beautiful and cheerful studio- hope you are feeling better by now!
Viv!!! i love your craftroom!!! So beautiful and i saw some of your dolls collections which makes me so excited here:) I guess i just love to see all the artsy ladies craftroom so much where the place they make fabulous things:) You are so talented though!
Love your little *CUTE* bear,he is so adorable can't wait to have any of your creations do qick have your own etsy store!
I am so glad you are feeling better. I loved the picture of the babies all curled up together. They are SO sweet.
Your studio is darling!
VIV , so gladyou are starting to feel better -- Love the view of your craft room - too cute -- want all the cuties in the pics - and the little bear adorable -Kathy - ga
I'm happy to hear your feeling better :-) I always think of being sick as one of my "diet tools" I always try to put a positive spin on everything! lol
Now.... next time your cats are passed out, pose them in the shape of a circle, snap a photo of that.... then you can have XOX Then you could print that out and hang that on your wall-- even make Christmas cards or Valentine cards out of the three photos. Caute!
I was so worried about you. I am glad you are some better. I will pray for you...hugs..m.
...SO MUCH STUFF GOING AROUND...we've all had colds...for a couple of weeks...hard to shake.your kitties are sooo stinkin cute...lol...takin care of their mommy....
Excellent to have you back in the land of the living!!
I knew those two little kitties would be looking after you, good on them!
Aren't they cute!
wow your studio looks so lovely, BF is providing more storage for mine....looking forward to more organizing!
And your bear is really cool, love his little pink nose....and his eyes have real character to them.
cheers viv...just remembered that I'm felting a bag in the wash..gotta run!!
Glad to hear you're feeling better! Those kitties are so loyal! They so lurrve you darling!
Glad you're feeling better :O)
Glad you're back! I just stopped in to check to see if you were. After you had posted about kids getting the swine flu then you not feeling well...well just say it seemed concerning.
By the way I love the crown pin cushions.
The kitties are getting bigger !!!! Just like kids I suppose...don't blink !!!I see your sweet art studio and the dolly I made you on the table...I hope it still brings you smiles. Hugs to you and hope you feel better... Mica
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