Happy sunday girlies! its cold, rainy and dreary here.. but thats ok.. Its a good day to stay home and putter! I was home all day yesterday, only went out to feed Thomas (the big white stray) and get the mail. oh. and to take my hubby some lunch out to the barn. Other then that, I cleaned a little, cooked a little and crafted alot! I have a bunch of packages ready to go out in the mail this week.. on top of the ones I mailed out on friday.. I think i'm keeping the post office in business!
So lookie at the pic above! Arent the the freaken cutest skeleumpkins!? (thats what I'm calling them). Natalea sent me a package for my birthday. I didnt get pics of the rest, well, actually I did, but it didnt turn out so great, so I'm just showing you these. They are the stars of the package anyways.. oh, and this really AWESOME halloween fabric too, that I'm sure I will be using for something soon!

I also recieved a halloween package from my dear friend Kim K! she always sends me the sweetest stuff. Again there was a box full of stuff! But check these two things out! LOVE them. Isnt this little witch adorable? Thank you so much Kimmie!

Miss witch has taken her place among some other witchy girls. Please dont mind the darkness of these pics.. I really have horrible lighting in my house.

And, these girls will soon be joined by this girl! Sandy Camarda and I did little halloween doll swap. This witch rode in on her raven, arriving yesterday from Canada. I love her! Thank you Sandy! yours will be going in the mail tomorrow.. along with a bunch of others!

so.. for today, I guess thats it. I plan on whipping something up today to post for my halloween giveaway.. so be watching!
(stupid blogger wont let me center or color my text.. stupid blogger...!)